Basic scaffolding for a Scala project built with Gradle.
Execute the following commands to customize the project's base name. Will not rename classes or packages in the project code.
- turn this into a script that runs on any OS
# these commands are macOS specific!
# see
mkdir $projectName
cd $projectName
git clone
cp -r scala-gradle-starter/ .
rm -rf scala-gradle-starter/
rm -rf .git
sed -i "" "s/scala-gradle-starter/$projectName/g" build.gradle
sed -i "" "s/scala-gradle-starter/$projectName/g" Dockerfile
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initialize $projectName"
./gradlew clean test
./gradlew clean run
./gradlew clean shadowJar
docker build -t gradle-scala-starter .
docker run gradle-scala-starter:latest