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Atsuko Yamaguchi edited this page Sep 17, 2015
71 revisions
Development of tools and applications for Linked Open Data
- Quality assessment of SPARQL endpoints, RDF data and triple stores (cf. yummydata https://github.com/dbcls/bh14/wiki/Yummydata ) [Atsuko(interested)]
- Automation of utilization, documentation and visualization of RDF data [Atsuko(interested), Kouji(Interested), Yas]
- SPARQL Builder (Kouji, Yasunori, Atsuko) (see also YASGUI, yasgui.org)
- Improvement of current version (see http://sparqlbuilder.org/) collaborating with other groups (such as Automation of ulitization, Quality assesment, Federated query)
- Discussion on relationships between SPARQL Builder metadata, ServiceDescription and VoID
- How to describe relationships of metadata between datasets in the same SPARQL endpoint
- target endpoints (requests)
- Improvement of current version (see http://sparqlbuilder.org/) collaborating with other groups (such as Automation of ulitization, Quality assesment, Federated query)
- Schema Salad (Peter)
- Federated query via SPARQL endpoints(Hongyan, Atsuko, Jin-Dong, Kouji) (Kieron for Ensembl + PubMed)
- Text search with triple store
- Embedding ElasticSearch functions in RDF store to enhance query function and performance, such as autocompletion and so on (G. Fu)
- the BioVirtuoso Docker data containers (HiroMishima, https://github.com/misshie/bio-virtuoso )[T Nakazato(interested)]
- Bio2RDF - MichelD
- OrphaData, better RDFized HPO Annotation
- Common Workflow Language, portable workflows, container standards (Peter, Colin, Tazro)
- CWL tutorial
- wrapping tools and writing workflows using CWL
- containers, runtime configuration
- writing CWL implementations (JS, Ruby, Java?)
- tool & workflow registries, workflow metadata ontologies (Dublin core, EDAM, DOAP)
- visualisation
- software discovery
- SMART API - semantic annotation of web APIs http://smartapi.info - (MichelD) [Nick interested]
- develop documentation
- annotate biohack15 APIs
Semantic Wetlab (Erick Antezana, Alexander Garcia, Tazro Ohta, Jean-Luc Perret)
- Ontologies for representing investigations [OBI?][SIO?][EDAM][ISA]
- experimental design
- rdf specification for workflows
- tools for designing, planning and running experiments (how good should look like, use case)
- Ontologies for representing investigations [OBI?][SIO?][EDAM][ISA]
- Reproducible software and data deployment (Pjotr Prins)
- GUIX for databases (Jerven Bolleman, Raoul)
- Software discovery (Pjotr, Raoul)
- Ruby biogem support (Pjotr, Raoul, Naohisa)
- GUIX for UniProt RDF releases (Jerven)
- GUIX UniProt virtuoso local builds
- With minimal auto tuning for memory
- Reproducible software and data with Dat, hyperos.io (Bruno, Tazro)
- Bionode pipeline inside, visualization with BioJS, nyaplot, D3
- Visualisation
- D3 visualisation work group (Toshiaki, Naoki, Pjotr, Peter, Bruno, MichelD)
- Open-Bio
- BioRuby (Naohisa Goto,)
- Sequence metadata RDF conversion (consider using RDF.rb --Arto Bendiken)
- Revisit Bio::Sequence internal data structure for better RDFize
- https://github.com/dbcls/rdfsummit/tree/master/insdc2ttl (Toshiaki Katayama, Takatomo Fujisawa)
- UniProt RDF module (alternative to SPTRParser)
- A JSON-LD based prototype, https://github.com/nakao/uniprot-rdf-module (Mitsu)
- Biogems
- biogem simplification
- Switch from jeweler to bundler
- biogem simplification
- bio-keggapi (for REST API, SOAP is deprecated now)
- Split independent functional components from bioruby core to biogems
- Components having external dependencies
- bioruby-phyloxml ?
- Based on https://github.com/csw/bioruby-phyloxml
- Adding support for Nokogiri (XML parser) based on https://github.com/csw/bioruby/tree/phyloxml-nokogiri
- bioruby-biosql ?
- bioruby-phyloxml ?
- Components having external dependencies
- Sequence metadata RDF conversion (consider using RDF.rb --Arto Bendiken)
- BioRuby (Naohisa Goto,)
- Crick-chan - a question answering system (Kazuharu Arakawa, Kotone Itaya)
Participants: Hiro Mishima, Jeremy Nguyen Xuan, Tudor Grosa
- the BioVirtuoso Docker data containers (https://github.com/misshie/bio-virtuoso )
- purpose: Developing Docker containers for easy deploymet of the Virtuoso database engine with preloaded multiple RDF biodatabases.
- Monarch Initiative offeres good RDFized databases at http://data.monarchinitiative.org/ttl/ (Thanks, Jeremy)
- Related projects
- SciGraph at https://github.com/SciGraph/SciGraph
- Blazegraph at https://blog.blazegraph.com/
- Containers are all updated using Momarch Initiative's TTLs. Documents are also updated.
- A SPARQL endpoint using bio-virtuoso is at http://www6069ui.sakura.ne.jp:8890/sparql . To test, please submit "SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g {?s ?p ?o .}}"
- try to make sample web-apps using Bio-virtuoso.
Participants: ...
- Tutorial given by Peter Amstutz. Attended by Benedict Paten, Bruno Viera, Alex Garcia, Tazro Ohta, others++
- Discussion of how to combine CWL, Docker Hub, Elixir Tool Registry to provide a central repository for bioinformatics tools that can be directly downloaded and executed in workflows (no installation needed)
- Annotating CWL files with metadata
- Ways of running Docker when the IT staff doesn't want to run Docker (solution: run Docker inside VM)
- Rebasing CWL draft 3 on Salad schema to support linked data annotations
Participants: Atsuko, Kouji, Yasunori ...
- Re-design for SPARQL Builder Matadata(SBM)
- Setup SPARQL endpoint for SBM, etc.
Participants: Atsuko, Kouji, Yasunori ...
- new version of specification of SPARQL Builder Matadata(SBM) was released http://www.sparqlbuilder.org/doc/sbm_2015sep/
- Thank to Arto, Dydra can automatically generate the metadata.
- crawling for LSDB archive rdf
- Since problems are found, we asked the author of the crawler to fix them.
- Docker with Guix package manager (Bruno, Pjotr, Raoul)
- Started installing CWL with Guix (Bruno, Pjotr)
- CWL Streaming interface (Peter, Bruno)
- Started playing with Bionode JavaScript and CWL streaming (Bruno)
- Federated query service: http://fsearch.dbcls.jp/bio2RDF/
Participants: Atsuko, Kouji, Yasunori ...
- Because anyone who are users of Dydra can generate SB metadata for their DB, we started to develop an interface for uploading SB metadata.
- SPARQL Builder for LSDB archive