This is the official repository of the ZeroWaste project arxiv. Our ZeroWaste dataset distributed under
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License can be found here.
- Python 3.8
- pytorch 1.8
- Detectron2 (please see the official installation guide)
To train the supervised methods (DeeplabV3+ or Mask R-CNN), use the command below:
# train deeplab on ZeroWaste data
python deeplab/ --config-file deeplab/configs/zerowaste_config.yaml --dataroot /path/to/zerowaste/data/ (optional) --resume OUTPUT_DIR /deeplab/outputs/*experiment_name* (optional) MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/checkpoint.pth
# train Mask R-CNN on ZeroWaste\TACO-zerowaste data
python maskrcnn/ --config-file maskrcnn/configs/*config*.yaml (optional, only use if trained on TACO-zerowaste) --taco --dataroot /path/to/zerowaste/data/ (optional) --resume OUTPUT_DIR /maskrcnn/outputs/*experiment_name* (optional) --MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/checkpoint.pth
# train ReCo on ZeroWasteAug data
python reco_aug/ --dataset zerowaste --num_labels 0 --seed 1
The checkpoints for the experiments reported in our paper can be found here. Please use the following code to evaluate the model on our dataset:
# evaluate the pretrained deeplab ZeroWaste:
python deeplab/ --config-file deeplab/configs/zerowaste_config.yaml --dataroot /path/to/zerowaste-or-taco/data/ --eval-only OUTPUT_DIR /deeplab/outputs/results/ --MODEL.WEIGHTS path/to/checkpoint.pth
# evaluate the pretrained Mask R-CNN on ZeroWaste\TACO-zerowaste:
python deeplab/ --config-file deeplab/configs/*config*.yaml (optional, only use if evaluated on TACO-zerowaste) --taco --dataroot /path/to/zerowaste-or-taco/data/ --eval-only OUTPUT_DIR /maskrcnn/outputs/*ex
# evaluate the pretrained ReCo-sup on ZeroWasteAug
python reco_aug/ --dataset zerowaste --num_labels 0 --seed 1 --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint.pth
We used the official implementation of ReCo with minor modification in data loading for our experiments.
- Python 3.8
- pytorch 1.8
Please download and unzip the ZeroWaste-f, ZeroWasteAug, and ZeroWaste-s (in reco_org/dataset and reco_aug/dataset) for the semi-zupervised experiments.
To train the model from scratch with the hyperparameters used in our experiments:
python reco_aug/ --dataset zerowaste --num_labels 60 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco
The trained model checkpoints can be found here. The following command runs inference on the given data:
python reco_aug/ --dataset zerowaste --num_labels 0 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint.pth
We used the official implementation of Puzzle-Cam
- Python 3.8, PyTorch 1.7.0, and more in requirements.txt
- CUDA 10.1, cuDNN 7.6.5
Please download the ZeroWaste-w dataset for binary classification. A pretrained binary classifier used in our experiments can be found here.
cd puzzlecam_4_classes
cd puzzlecam_binary
Please cite our paper:
author = {Dina Bashkirova, Mohamed Abdelfattah, Ziliang Zhu, James Akl, Fadi Alladkani, Ping Hu, Vitaly Ablavsky, Berk Calli, Sarah Adel Bargal and Kate Saenko},
title = {ZeroWaste Dataset: Towards Deformable Object Segmentation in Cluttered Scenes},
howpublished = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
year = {2022}