A back end application that allows you to find users that are members of multiple communities on a social network website. Currently only VK is supported.
Kotlin based, Spring WebFlux + Coroutines. VK API is used alongside stored procedures that are called from this app.
For UI and an example please refer to UI project page.
####From IDE To run from IDE, run CommunityScannerApplication class with the following JVM args:
-Dspring.profiles.active=local -Dclient_id=___ -Dclient_secret=___
For actual values of client_id & client_secret refer to repo owner.
####As docker container Run the following command from app source root to build an image:
./gradlew jib
Use the same JVM args on container startup:
-Dspring.profiles.active=local -Dclient_id=___ -Dclient_secret=___
provides API for client application to get a stream (list) of users that are subscribed to all communities specified in the Request
object, passed as body in POST request.
Since VK doesn't allow sending request more than 3 times a second, DelayingRequestSender
is a service that queues all the requests from this back end application to VK API and executes them after a delay if such is needed.
is responsible for fetching information about VK users.