Laravel 5.2 travel site
This is a website I made for practice in Laravel 5.2. It is a website were users can search Travel Destinations other users put up on the website. Users can signup, and create Travel Flyers.
The fetaures this website has is:
- Signup/with email verification/password reset/forgot password, and Login/Logout.
- Create Travel Flyers (which displays in the front-end on a google map.)
- Upload images to Travel Flyers along with Travel Banner.
- Search Travel Flyers (with auto complete search box).
- Customize your Profile.
- An award system for doing varoius tasks across the website (with leaderboard).
- Post statuses on your timeline for other users to see and reply.
- Ability to Like user statuses and Travel Flyers.
- Ability to edit and Delete Travel Flyers.
- Among other things too.
Languages used:
- Laravel 5.2 (Framework)
- Javascript/jQuery
- Bootstrap/Semantic-UI
Here is the link to the actual website: