Dynamic IP Updater for Cloudflare in hass.io
The objective is to provide a client to do dynamic dns updates in Cloudflare on behalf of your hass.io server. The configuration of this addon allows you to setup your Cloudflare domain to dynamically update whenever a change of your public IP address occurs.
The available configuration options are as follows (this is filled in with some example data):
"zone": "yourdomain.com",
"host": "sub.yourdomain.com",
"email": "hello@yourdomain.com",
"api": "yourAPIkeyFromCloudflare"
To use this repository with your own Hass.io installation please follow the official instructions on the Home Assistant website with the following URL:
You should add this in your automations.yaml:
- id: cloudflare-updater
alias: "IP Cloudflare Updater"
- platform: time_pattern
# This will match every 1 minutes
minutes: '/1'
- service: hassio.addon_restart
addon: local_hassio_cloudflareipupdater