Start an API using NestJS framework with all the tedious commit lint settings and so on.
- NodeJS (^v10.12.0)
- Yarn (^v1.10.0) (preferably) or Npm (^v6.4.0)
- Nest CLI (optional)
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Configure your .env environments based on .env.example
- Start your application:
- Development:
yarn start
- Watch mode:
yarn start:dev
- Production:
yarn start:prod
(run the build before:yarn build
- Development:
CircleCI configured with 4 jobs:
- [Install dependencies]: Install all dependencies with yarn and save cache.
- [Lint]: check the link for all code.
- [Tests]: run all unit tests and e2e.
- [Build]: criar aplicativo com o Docker.
Note: deploy job not configured because it varies for each type of application.
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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- David Vilaça - davidpvilaca
Every code patch accepted in taiga codebase is licensed under MIT.