Rails version 7.2
- Bus booking website help us to book ticket for a journey within 63 provinces in Vietnam
- Provide tickets with reasonable price and services that meet our satisfication
This project requires:
- Ruby (see .ruby-version), preferably managed using rbenv or asdf
- Node 20.9.0
- Yarn 1.x (classic)
- PostgreSQL must be installed and accepting connections
On Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y rbenv git curl
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.9 | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo apt install -y redis-server
On macOS, these Homebrew packages are recommended:
brew install rbenv
brew install node 20.9.0
brew install yarn
brew install postgresql@16
brew install redis
To setup a development environment (MacOS):
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/AlvinQuach1004/coach-route-system.git
Install Ruby:
This project currently uses Ruby 3.3.0, which is most easily managed through a version manager like asdf, rbenv
Install Nodejs:
This project user Node 20.9.0, which is most easily managed through a version manager like asdf, rvm
Install Ruby gems:
install bundle version 2.5.4 (or similar if you are using an older version on your development)
gem install bundler
bundle install
Install with npm.
npm install
Personalise the app settings:
- Copy
and customise the values as needed. - Copy
and customise the values as needed.
Create database:
rails db:create
Migrate tables
rails db:migrate
Run seed data:
rails db:seed
Run server:
- rails server:
rails s
- sidekiq
bundle exec sidekiq
- Vite
vite dev
- DaisyUI: https://daisyui.com/components/
- For icons: lucide icon packages: https://lucide.dev/icons/
Run test by:
bundle exec rspec
Check test coverage at
ESLint check:
yarn lint npx eslint .
ESLint check & auto fix:
yarn lint:fix npx eslint . --fix