SSN Starfish Data Platform BLE TI SensorTag snap
a) The machine running the snap must have internet connectivity. b) Latest version (v2.28) of Snapcraft tool must be installed on system.
Make the snap :
When the process completes then you can see "starfish-sensortag-app_*.snap" in the current directory.
Install the snap :
sudo snap install starfish-sensortag-app_*.snap --devmode
Attach the bluetooth-control plug :
sudo snap connect starfish-sensortag-app:bluetooth-control core:bluetooth-control
After installing the snap you should be able to see the below snap apps in the /snap/bin directory
b) starfish-sensortag-app.blescan
c) starfish-sensortag-app.sensortag
sudo starfish-sensortag-app.blescan | grep -C3 CC2650
#note the MAC/UUID address
starfish-sensortag-app.sensortag -t1 -n1 -all <MAC/UUID> <ClientId> <ClienSecret> <MAC/UUID> <NoOfObs>
The parameters to be passed (in-order) are described below :
- ClientId : Valid Startfish Studio platform client Id.
- ClientSecret : Valid Starfish Studio platform client secret.
- MAC/UUID : MAC address of TI-Sensortag obtained from blescan.
- NoOfObs : Number of observations to be fetched from the TI-sensortag.
#Additional notes
sudo starfish-sensortag-app.blescan |grep -C3 'CC2650 SensorTag'
sudo starfish-sensortag-app.blescan -i1 |grep -C3 'CC2650 SensorTag'
#result looks like: Device (new): 24:71:89:1a:69:02 (public), -40 dBm Flags: <05> Incomplete 16b Services: <80aa> Complete Local Name: 'CC2650 SensorTag' Tx Power: <00> 0x12: <08002003> Manufacturer: <0d00030000>
#either use post or post with nohup below; use clientid/secret, and mac from above <#samples>
#post 5fbc1321-69f8-4750-afea-8a6f7795cfba ngmAApeRzyZTmXjGRq3UQRudoyk+nxM1QoGjZ/GBEYD56C69YeOgVA 24:71:89:1a:69:02 10
#post nohup (allows disconnect) nohup 5fbc1321-69f8-4750-afea-8a6f7795cfba ngmAApeRzyZTmXjGRq3UQRudoyk+nxM1QoGjZ/GBEYD56C69YeOgVA 24:71:89:1A:69:02 10 &
This snap works with the TI CC2650 multi-standard SensorTag and Starfish SDK. It obtains the following readings from sensors and posts them to Starfish Data Platform:
- Temp: Ambient and Object temperature (Cs)
- Humidity: Ambient temperature (Cs) and relative humidity (%)
- Barometer: Temperature (Cs) and Air Pressure (hPa)
- Accelerometer: X,Y,Z axis with a default period for the data is one second. (Gs)
- Magnetometer: Strength of a magnetic field in the three axis (uT)
- Gyroscope: Rotational motion (degrees/second)
- Light: Ambient Light (Lux)
post starfish deviceID sensor_obs aba9917e-7f9e-418a-ad43-91ee9a6562aa [object Object] Post Options:{ "method": "POST", "body": { "observations": [ { "timestamp": "2017-06-26T06:28:57.185Z", "temperature": 21.84375, "humidity": 51.0009765625, "barometer": 1005.85, "accelerometer": { "x": 0.00048828125, "y": -0.99609375, "z": 0.040771484375 }, "magnetometer": { "x": 40.18363858363858, "y": 0.7496947496947497, "z": 4.947985347985348 }, "gyroscope": { "x": 3.18145751953125, "y": -1.02996826171875, "z": -1.4495849609375 }, "light": 20.85, "percentlevel": 83 } ] },