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Consensys Blockchain Bootcamp 2021 - Final Project

This project is proof of concept for signing and verifying documents registered by hash on a blockchain.

Directory structure

Smart contracts are located under smart-contracts directory The main contract is under smart-contracts/document-signer directory. Frontend (client) application is located in client directory. File hashing tool is located under hash-tool directory.

Running on localhost

In order to run fullstack application (client frontend + blockchain) the following tools needs to be installed first:

  1. NodeJS, NPM, Yarn
  2. Git
  3. Truffle
  4. Ganache

Starting blockchain

  1. Run Ganache and import this project's directory called document-signer, located under smart-contracts.
    • Make sure to configure Ganache to run on port 8545 so your RPC looks like this HTTP://
  2. Once Ganache is running, start truffle console with the following command: truffle console --network console.
    • This will attach your truffle console to the blockchain running withing Ganache.
    • Note: In this way you can run client frontend with connecting metamask to default localhost, and you'll also be able to run the unit tests with the default configuration, all at the same time.
  3. Inside the console type migrate. This will migrate Document signer contract to the network that Ganache is running, so you can observe the status inside Ganache.
    • Note: You can access and use DocumentSigner contract inside the console by getting it with let docSign = await DocumentSigner.deployed().

Starting client (frontend) application

  1. Open new terminal and position inside /client folder.
  2. Run yarn as a command which will install all the required dependencies.
  3. Configure address of your freshly deployed smart contract inside contract_address.json located under /src/ directory.
    • Note: You can always get smart contract address from the Ganache UI.
  4. Run yarn start in order to start the frontend application in development mode on http://localhost:3000
    • Note: For more information about the managing client app and its builds consult file located under the /client/ directory.

Running unit tests for smart contract

Truffle installation is prerequisite for running unit tests. To run unit test position into smart-contracts/document-signer directory. Then run truffle test. Tests will run automatically with the default truffle configurations. Total of 18 unit tests should pass.

Generating document hash in local environment

  1. Change directory to hash-tool withing this project.
  2. Run npm install command and wait to complete.
  3. Use the following command to generate document hash: node index.js your_file_name hashing_algorithm
    • Example one: node index.js TestDocument1.pdf sha256
    • Example two: node index.js TestDocument2.pdf sha512
    • Notice that there are two example document that can be used for testing (TestDocument1.pdf and TestDocument2.pdf).

Hashing output should look like this:

$ node index.js TestDocument1.pdf sha256
Hash successfully calculated!
Algorithm used: sha256
Document hash:

Deploying contract to Ropsten test network

Configuration for deploying contract to Ropsten test network is inside truffle-config.js located under /smart-contracts/document-signer directory. To deploy contract:

  1. Run npm install inside the /smart-contracts/document-signer directory and wait for installation to finish.
  2. Under the same directory create file named .secret and place secret mnemonic of your wallet inside that file. Be sure that your account has some ETH on Ropsten test network which can be used for gas fees required for deployment.
  3. Under the same directory create file called .infura and put your Infura project ID inside.
  4. Finally, run the following command to deploy the contract: truffle deploy --network ropsten.

Public ethereum account for NFT certification


Deployed demo (frontend/client) application

Note: Frontend (client web3) application is tested only in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox with MetaMask. There is no guarantee that it will work properly in other browsers and wallets at the moment.

Screencast (walking through the project and use cases)

Project description

Problem description and motivation

There are many things in this world relying on contracts. The modern world is driven by the contract agreements between people, companies, countries, institutions, etc.

Contracts are usually represented by the document specifying the rules which parties need to respect. Contracts are usually valid only when signed by the involved parties.

Most of today contracts are still kept in form of papers while some are in digital format. To sign a contract, parties usually need to write their name signature on a paper or to sign it using biometric identity cards or similar.

Some vulnerabilities of the given approaches can be answered by the following questions:

  • What if signed papers or documents are lost?
  • What if somebody's signature is counterfeit?
  • What if the certified (centralized) authority providing biometric identity cards is corrupted or compromised?
  • How anybody can guarantee and verify that the contracts are not changed on any side at any time?

Some of the most basic flaws of the current contract system:

  • Much of a physical resources are used.
  • Much of a time is wasted in the process.
  • Very common requirement of the parties to be on the same physical place in order to sign the documents.
  • Complex signing process rules.

Solution proposal

Imagine the world in which blockchain approach for managing and signing documents (contracts) is well established and adopted. The whole set of problems mentioned above would likely disappear.

The blockchain approach proposes a creation of an application that will handle three main use cases:

  1. Hashing a document and storing document's hash inside smart contract deployed on a blockchain.
  2. Adding the signatories as the parties that are allowed to sign a document within some of their information.
    • This is extended by a "payable documents" feature which allows document owner to send some value for each signatory that will be paid to the signatory after signing.
  3. Signing a document by parties and storing signature information.
    • This is also extended by a "payable documents" feature and in this part signatory will receive the amount of tokens specified by the document owner.
  4. Verifying document's hash at any time on a blockchain while having an overview of its signatories and signatures.

Use case description:

  1. User is able to add a document hash to the blockchain smart contract.
  2. User which is a document owner is able to add another persons as the signatories and allow them to sign his documents.
  3. User is able to send some ETH as the value when adding each signatory. Each signatory is paid the exact amount that document owner specified.
  4. User is able to enter the document hash and see the document information alongside with the signatories, amounts to be paid, signatures and timestamps when actions occurred.
  5. User is able to sign the document that they're allowed to. If specified, a signatory user will receive the amount of ETH left for them when they sign the document.

Identified entities:

  • Document structure:
    • documentHash - string Hash of a document
    • name - string Name of a document
    • description - string Description of a document and its purpose
    • owner - address Address of a document owner
    • signatories - Signatory[] Array of signatories allowed to sign the document.
    • addedSignatories - mapping Mapping of which addresses of signatories are allowed to sign the document.
    • signatures - mapping Mapping of which address have signed the document
    • algorithm - string Algorithm that is used for a document hashing
    • createdAt - uint256 Timestamp (block.timestamp)
  • Signatory structure:
    • fullName - string Full name of a signatory person
    • description - string Description of a signatory role, reason for signing, etc.
    • signatoryAddress - address Address of a signatory
    • signedAt - uint256 Unix timestamp when signatory signed the document
    • amountToBePaid - uint256 Amount of ETH in wei that will be paid to the signatory when they sign a document
    • paid - bool Boolean value which represent if the amount is paid to the signatory (default: false)

Creator's notes (good to read as it explains more about the concept)

This application is imagined and designed to work without any third party off-chain services or resources. Hence, it provides a little more possibility for storing data on chain.

Despite that the usage of the gas is a little higher, it should justify itself by removing third party off-chain solutions and enabling overview of the history and purpose of the documents and their signatures that are immutable and stored on the blockchain forever as the single source of truth.

In order to make this future-proof this application can be developed as L2 solution. In that case only the most important data would be saved on the main blockchain such as document hash, owner and signatory addresses, etc. That approach would be able to significantly reduce the cost of gas.

Possible future improvements

  • KYC-like (personal identity) mechanism for registering & approving trusted party on a blockchain in terms related to the smart contract established between the involved parties in decentralized way. Some kind of handshake mechanism between the owner and signatory.
  • Possibility for the document owners to remove signatory before they sign the document and withdraw the ETH they've sent.
  • Making an optimized Smart Contracts using Layer 2 (L2) solutions. This would propose of keeping the additional data on the L2, while having only the main data such as document hashes and signatures on the main (ethereum) blockchain.
  • Allowing document to be stored using IPFS and linking them to the smart contract.


Consensys Blockchain Bootcamp 2021 - Final Project






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