Initial release v0.0.1
This is basically an alpha, code is stable and works - but it's far from complete.
- 93d26ff Added APIServers rule and updated index
- ef8b0d5 Added Dockerfile to build image of vaccum.
- 0cf7690 Added JSONSchema generation code.
- ddfb2fb Added OAS2 Host rule
- 461c090 Added OAS2 anyOf and oneOf rules
- f26433d Added Xor core functions
- 4db87fd Added a little more coverage to examples
- db71527 Added back in eval rule, moved to it's own function.
- 257a914 Added casing functions and tests.
- aa795c5 Added check for new method
- 1f98fb2 Added component descriptions rule check
- f9804f7 Added descriptions and summaries to index.
- 7da8349 Added docs to existing rules and correct headers
- 8d024c0 Added enumeration core function.
- a042627 Added examples check for responses and single examples.
- e4f24a9 Added go health check
- 42e3278 Added in code snippet generation
- 00b0fa4 Added in node tracking and paths to results.
- 6113440 Added in ruleset flag to lint command.
- ef6cb86 Added in the ability to focus on categories in temp UI
- 495b658 Added in typed-enum rule
- f7a5904 Added info and license rules
- a8f87a1 Added last variation of ruleset configuration.
- f13fb2d Added length function with tests.
- 1f106ea Added license and started to clean things up.
- a8e46f4 Added mapped sequences to index.
- 455a8f6 Added more OpenAPI rules based on core functions.
- 5a0449e Added more paths to examples
- ecbee83 Added more tests to spec index
- 21ab966 Added more validation to examples, seems to work well enough.
- 518eb2a Added new CLI to start testing things out.
- ccd046e Added new alphabetical sorting core function with tests.
- ad74bf5 Added new contact info rule
- 79e99c3 Added new description duplication check
- e507cf2 Added new no_ref_siblings rule.
- 126fec0 Added new oas2 security defined rule.
- 66f3883 Added new oas2-operation-formData-consume-check' rule
- aac5d87 Added new operation security defined functions and rules
- 36dfc2c Added new schema function and various things.
- ba6bd3d Added new undefined / missing rule for openAPI
- b930fde Added operation single tag rule
- 7984cbd Added parameter checking to examples
- 55b1631 Added path_parameters logic and tests.
- 799d910 Added pattern core function and tests
- 2839167 Added reference to rule in all results
- 0123820 Added report command, generates Spectral reports
- 6379d72 Added schema check rule for OAS2 and OAS3
- 7ca5b02 Added some docs as housekeeping
- 2b870ff Added sorting function to rule results
- 25bc80f Added swagger param description rule
- e0888fa Added tag description rule and path trailing slash rule
- 1e97c07 Added typed enum rule
- 4fde333 Added unique operationId rule and tests.
- e04c10b Added variation of no_eval_description rule
- 56cf37c Added zap as a logger. Seems to be best of breed.
- 34261ea Added ‘How To Fix’ feature to all rules
- 7715de9 Adding HowToFix feature
- 610d5f5 Adding OAS2 rules to default ruleset.
- a36b230 Adding Spectral ruleset configuration support
- bdabb1a Adding a tabwriter to start monitoring output.
- 7315655 Adding circular references to results.
- c15ed73 Adding goreleaser to project.
- ba7ca20 Adding in last stages to build.
- 55fa56a Adding in ruleset examples
- 6a9ee3f Adding in some docs for core functions.
- b508c7d Adding more analysis and building out new index concept.
- a06ed55 Adding more documentation to clean things up.
- b0f2609 Adding more documentation to improve readablily
- 33fdf75 Adding more rules, diving into descriptions now.
- 1c227f7 Adding more tests to beef up coverage a little
- 25c2a8e Adding more tests with real rule configs
- 537ac7f Adding more tests, working on openAPI functions now.
- 00b084f Adding new build report functionality.
- 2713d26 Adding result set structure to provide querying and search on results
- 588a592 Adding some more UI logic
- 3717b89 Adding unit tests for console
- 068987d All rules are back online! we're cooking with gas now.
- ac0e7be Allowing test to partially run in pipline for CUI.
- 783a2b4 Attempting a docker build and push action.
- eab318a Attempting to run as much logic in a test, regardless
- f672c95 Building out default ruleset code and some tests
- ec5d658 Building out new SpecIndex
- 603c88c Building tests for core rules as part of the rule applicator.
- 062f500 Bumped coverage in no_ref_siblings
- d8ec09d Bumped coverage of spec index.
- 2f5439e Bumped coverage on length core function.
- 8e75133 Bumped coverage on model utils.
- a6f1f40 Bumped coverage on resolver
- 7c662f9 Bumped coverage on truthy
- f714389 Bumped coverage on utils.
- 342ac99 Bumped utils coverage
- 17b097d Bumping coverage after CUI build
- 8c54bec Bumping coverage on pattern function
- c877b5d Bumping schema rule coverage.
- 103dea2 Bumping test coverage on core functions
- a4b9392 Bumping test coverage on dashboard
- b12557d Checking for items before rendering,
- 3adaa31 Cleaned up controls for CUI
- 036d8c2 Cleaned up rulesets, added ID's to built-in versions.
- d0fd149 Cleaned up some edge casese in rule applicator
- da8beac Cleaned up some things
- 72e1741 Cleaning up tests
- 3764385 Cleaning up, preparing for wiring things together
- e76adb2 Clwaned up circular ref function.
- f7e333d Combined schema for ruleset into a single file.
- d05185e Completely rewrote no_ref_siblings
- 28c98e3 Completely rewrote unused_component
- baebff4 Configured base HTML report build
- 4251a7d Coverage bump in CUI.
- 63d9157 Create codeql-analysis.yml
- e192237 Created shared RenderTime and RuleSet functions.
- 56a6de8 Creating new resolver, different machine
- 8ea1868 Enabled more rulesets
- 978a557 Even more pipeline fixing!
- 9fd260c Exploring console UI
- dd97b8b Extracted enums from spec into index
- fc9663a Extracting 'extends' value from ruleset.
- b9c0534 Few small glitch fixes
- c37fcf2 Fixed a couple of small bugs in rule counting
- 6185761 Fixed a regression bug
- 2fecc9e Fixed broken CUI test
- 11958bc Fixed bug with edgecase circular reference check.
- 48a9539 Fixed committed test issue.
- dd6c399 Fixed count, whilst I work on new faster rules
- 1bbf836 Fixed error check in test
- a43087f Fixed mis-configred rule for enum rule
- 618878a Fixed readme.
- 07680b8 Fixed return
- 672c0a8 Fixed some glitches with success operation rule
- 275abbf Fixed tests after adding new OAS2 API host rule
- 31e4232 Fixed tests and reverted index change that was breaking them.
- 203d012 Fixed unit tests after cranking through new search util.
- 14dd5a2 Fixing issues with changed signature
- 532ecbc Fixing small glitch with API servers rule
- 6383570 Fixing some small glitches in examples rule.
- a9edac4 Fixing tests, adding correct schemas
- 8ef8edf HTML Report UI updates
- fec403c Large dashboard UI update
- 3272811 Little refactoring to clean up rules
- 8751c04 Merge pull request #1 from daveshanley/speed-test
- b0f8162 Merge pull request #2 from daveshanley/refactor-rules
- 7a697cd Merge pull request #3 from daveshanley/refactor-rules
- 263a56c Merge pull request #4 from daveshanley/refactor-rules
- 0f134a1 Merge pull request #5 from daveshanley/refactor-rules
- 3838a07 Merge pull request #6 from daveshanley/refactor-rules
- e34a447 Merge pull request #7 from daveshanley/refactor-rules
- 65facd4 Merge pull request #8 from daveshanley/cui-category-navigation
- eab862e Merge pull request #9 from daveshanley/html-report
- 2bb6166 Modified schema and model to allow categories through
- 15f10cb More pipeline fixing
- b1a417b More whack a mole!
- 7712fa4 Moved copy for circular references
- 1d61559 Moved duplucated enum rule to a new function.
- 9aa0b46 New resolver exposed some unit test failures
- ddd11bb No /dev/tty in pipeline.
- e1a5ff3 Pulling Schema rule out of default ruleset.
- af118de Ran formatter on TS
- 4df60ce Re-built OperationTags rule.
- 974b8f9 Re-bumping coverage on rule_applicatror
- 83dd12a Re-creating some of the default spectral rules as tests
- ca712d3 Re-enabled examples rule.
- f886dd2 Re-worked security definitions rules for OAS2 and OAS3
- 62a7e01 Rebuilding resolver again
- 3e5b293 Rebuilt the resolver to work correctly.
- 22f24e7 Refactored location to be able to mix in golang
- 416ebc9 Refactored rulesets
- 6a68d9c Removed old resolver code.
- 28289af Removed print statement breaking console.
- 1b9724e Renamed repository to vacuum.
- 8df23fd Resolver and index seem to be fully functional!
- dc1ba60 Resolver appears to be working
- bfdd1c4 Results are now ordered and categorized
- 285cffd Reworked path-params and operation-tags
- 32c9209 Rule cleanup and enabling more and more
- 00990b8 Rules are now format aware
- c0f3eb4 Seems to have done the trick
- 775d83c Smal glitch fix
- 5474c2b Spec index is ready for next phase
- b7d927e SpecIndex seems almost ready
- 92daab6 Started adding some UI concepts
- 6cb8046 Started work on dashboard console UI.
- d68ff0c Starting to wire in early code that builds a spec info
- 51c06ef Stock check performed.
- 6db66e2 Stripe spec now lints,
- 5875dfa Taking some time to visit coverage
- aa80e91 Test seems to fail in pipeline
- b4e4be4 The resolver is not working correctly for super complex models.
- 7604c68 Tinkering with some console UI work
- d174b9a Trying out new report pipeline build.
- 2c44e1d Tuneups on temp UI
- e5e8bc5 Twenty four rules back online.
- ce78bc7 Un-doing some of the pattern mods made.
- 915d422 Updated OAS3 rule to include server slash rule.
- 647a657 Updated README
- 2481451 Updated Readme
- fb71891 Updated commands to fix lost functionality
- 8ffd045 Updated parameter descriptions to be universal
- e3b5ab3 Updated readme
- f79fa07 Updated readme.
- f2ba68b Updated test to check for edge case.
- 8efb045 Updated unique operation id rule.
- 0fa25e1 Updating CUI based on real user feedback.
- 17b5c6b Updating formatting for html-report
- 9c17a33 Updating linting to run correctly.
- 0edcee9 Updating report build versiosns and linting rules.
- 5610da8 Updating workflow
- 7380af8 Updating workflow to build, test and lint the html-report
- d12c755 Wired in remote spec and file resolving
- 7f80107 Working adding in example support.
- d2b3f2a Working on configuring RuleSets
- dc40e6b Working on html-reporting
- 8a45955 Working on optimizing search a little
- cf25ab0 Working on pipeline for building and testing.
- 363c142 Working on resolver and ruleset defaults.
- eedae49 Working through CUI designs
- 7ae90c2 Working through CUI navigation experience
- efb52aa Working through base design of html-report.
- aba06e2 Working through console UI rendering experiences.
- a9db4a8 Working through dashboard experience
- 284a0fe Working through examples ruleset.
- d38fb6b Working through more example variations,
- 6a3c534 Working through multiople actions being added
- 75785d2 Working through multiple ways to send data to functions.
- d99d154 Working through rules using index one by one.
- 706e454 Working through various glitches
- ad05ecd added another xOR test
- c42de03 added falsy
- fc0fa69 added github actions, removed travis.
- 6843e77 added new operation paramters OpenAPI function
- d79b78c added tag_defined openAPI functions and more tests
- f09492d added undefined and defined core functions with tests.
- 900e12a adding functions, writing tests and beefing things up
- ec029ff adding in super early sketch code.
- 2be2f98 adding rules engine and designing functions
- fd87872 adding tests to make sure core logic is working
- 6f93964 building up rules, so far, it's all working great!
- 5674ae9 bumped coverage in model package.
- 57f8231 bumped coverage on core functions.
- 041fcb5 bumped coverage on utils tests
- 058f61d bumping coverage on pattern tests
- 2d7f0be changing install certs are failing on travis.
- 25179a5 cleaned up code after static analysis.
- c68c70c cleaning things up, removing some stuff
- 45f0a9c description duplication checking is slow.
- a7bed90 disabled description duplication checking.
- d9f8370 fixed glitch with missing unused component lookup.
- bcaf4bc fixed rule name in tests
- db0ac2e fixed test
- 89d7d7f fixed up some tests.
- 8aea2a8 fixing tests
- 79e586b fleshing out low level schema validation logic
- 6896efe lets go
- 8ac91bc locating speed issues in rules.
- 4fbde6f reducing builds
- a041bf9 removed references on schema.
- 1bf742a removing garbage
- 976c548 resolver seems to be working correctly.
- 3cbcab9 rremoving husky for now.
- 91d5453 sketching out low level behaviors
- 310eb5a updating schemas
- 69b7750 whack a mole pipeline fun time.
- 8f7f743 working through function desgin
- a015c03 working through resolving designs