Install the dependencies in a virtual environment:
poetry config virtualenvs.create true
poetry config true
poetry install --with analytics
source .venv/bin/activate
We also need GDAL to handle some geospatial data processing. We are installing it separated from Poetry due to system-specific dependencies. For Ubuntu/Debian, install GDAL using your system's package manager:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gdal-bin libgdal-dev
Confirm that GDAL was installed successfully:
gdalinfo --version
To use GDAL in Python, install the matching pip package:
sudo apt install python3.13-dev
pip install gdal==<your GDAL version>
Ensure GDAL is properly installed and can be imported:
from osgeo import gdal
Notebook | Description | Output file |
Exploration notebooks | ||
explore_dist_alert.ipynb |
Initial exploration of DIST-ALERT, which monitors disturbances in vegetation cover. | - |
explore_sufosat.ipynb |
Initial exploration of SUFOSAT's data. | - |
explore_sufosat_nat2000_ign.ipynb |
Initial exploration of SUFOSAT, IGN, and Natura 2000 data. | - |
Data preprocessing notebooks | ||
prepare_sufosat_layer.ipynb |
Generates a FlatGeobuf vector file containing polygons of clear-cut areas detected in France since January 2024, derived from SUFOSAT data. The polygons include attributes such as start date, end date, duration, number of merged polygons, and area. | data/sufosat/sufosat_clear_cuts_2024.fgb |
prepare_natura2000.ipynb |
Work in progress | Work in progress |
prepare_ign_slope_raster.ipynb |
Generates a compressed GeoTIFF raster indicating terrain slopes >= 30% across France, based on the IGN BD ALTI digital elevation model. Pixels meeting this condition are assigned a value of 1. Also responsible for vectorizing the raster into a FlatGeobuf file. | data/ign/bdalti25/slope_gte_30.tif , data/ign/bdalti25/slope_gte_30.fgb |
prepare_cadastre.ipynb |
Generates FlatGeobuf files that delineate the boundaries of cities (with Etalab as the source) and departments (with OpenStreetMap as the source) across France. | data/cadastre/cadastre_france_cities.fgb , data/cadastre/cadastre_france_departments.fgb |
Statistic notebooks | ||
stats_abusive_clear_cuts.ipynb |
Produces a FlatGeobuf file containing SUFOSAT clear-cut geometries (>= 0.5 ha) along with their intersection areas with Natura2000 zones and slopes >= 30%. We also include the associated department and city INSEE code. The filtering of abusive clear-cuts is left to consumers of the file. | data/abusive_clear_cuts/abusive_clear_cuts_2024.fgb |
Get your Scaleway credentials from Vaultwarden.
Install the AWS CLI. You can also use the Scaleway CLI directly if you prefer. This guide covers the AWS CLI for now, as it is more widely used.
Create or update your
file:[profile d4g-s13-brigade-coupes-rases] region = fr-par services = d4g-s13-brigade-coupes-rases [services d4g-s13-brigade-coupes-rases] s3 = endpoint_url = s3api = endpoint_url =
Create or update your
file:[d4g-s13-brigade-coupes-rases] aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY
Run the following command to list the files that will be downloaded from S3:
aws s3 ls s3://brigade-coupe-rase-s3/analytics/data/ --recursive --profile d4g-s13-brigade-coupes-rases
Run the following command from the root of your project to sync local files with the S3 data storage:
aws s3 sync s3://brigade-coupe-rase-s3/analytics/data/ analytics/data/ --exact-timestamps --profile d4g-s13-brigade-coupes-rases