Spark application for ingest data from data providers into data lake.
Application take data as csv files stored at hdfs or s3, transform it and put into hive tables.
Could be run in two different modes:
- as periodical Oozie job for batch processing all available files in directory
- as permanent streaming service controlled via kafka tasks
Run as spark application on cluster and process all files in hdfs directory.
Main class com.ImportBatch
Run spark job specifying directory with files to process. File names should be prepared according to pattern
Run as spark-streaming application and listening kafka topic for tasks.
Main class com.ImportStreaming
Run spark job with parameters:
--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.2.0"
Kafka producer:
cd /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin &&
./ --broker-list --topic data-import-in
Kafka consumer:
cd /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin &&
./ --bootstrap-server --topic data-import-out --from-beginning
Task description should be put in kafka topic
"jobID": 4,
"timeStamp": 1531831890,
"owner": "user",
"link": "s3a://files/providername#UA#UA_files#2018-06-25#data.csv",
"origin": {
"provider": "providername",
"profile": "UA_files",
"country": "UA",
"date": 1529042345,
"source": "/providername/UA_files/2018-06-25/data.csv"
To work with S3 as files storage, include path for appropriate CredentialProvider in spark-submit call
Path to S3 files should looks like s3a://bucket-name/file-path/file-name.csv
Have fun! Team @DataEngi