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6. Key Changes (2018.09.14) Imputation

Hyesop edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Filling missing data = Imputation

Before I write about the changes that I made, it might be better to describe why filling missing data, or imputation, is important for this study. In general, imputation can avoid any potential biases when we deal with sample data. While researchers in the past used to remove or ignore missing values, imputation has become trending. Many papers found that the NA values, which was thought as truly random, wasn't actually true, particularly in time-series data where you can actually estimate what the gap might be. Nowadays, in tribute to mathematicians, we can replace NA values with numerical values using various approaches.

For this study, imputation is important because the model investigates people's exposures and responses to air pollution by an hourly period. If a missing data is not added to the model (due to repair or network error), it will not be able to consider the levels of fluctuation, especially when it is during rush hour. So filling in the gaps will surely help the measurement of people's exposure levels that vary throughout days and seasons.

The topics I will cover:

  1. Exploring different methods to impute NA values
  2. Transform PM10 data frame for Netlogo
  3. Netlogo Simulation
  4. Plotting people's health at the end of simulation

Note there are two softwares R and Netlogo running at the same time. This will be written at the beginning of each code sections.

Change 1: Exploring different methods to impute NA values

From imputeTS in R (, you will meet two options (after some code exercise) before you choose a method.
First option is called a Seasonally Decomposed approach (Seasonally Decomposed Missing Value Imputation,na.seadec), which "removes the seasonal component from the time series, performs imputation on the deseasonalised series and afterwards adds the seasonal component again".
The other approach is Seasonally Splitted (Seasonally Splitted Missing Value Imputation, na.seasplit), which "splits the times series into seasons and afterwards performs imputation separately for each of the resulting time series datasets (each containing the data for one specific season)".

Now you will find four different methods in each approaches tabled below:

Function Method Description
na.seadec Mean Mean values of SEADEC
na.seadec Moving average Moving average values of SEADEC
na.seadec Interpolation Interpolation values of SEADEC
na.seadec Kalman Kalman values of SEADEC
na.seasplit Mean Mean values of SEASPLIT
na.seasplit Moving average Moving average values of SEASPLIT
na.seasplit Interpolation Interpolation values of SEASPLIT
na.seasplit Kalman Kalman values of SEASPLIT

Personally, I found the seasonally splitted approach quite useful because pollution shows a clear seasonal trend, thus it may take less risk to fit in values. Using the other approach might give you a overall trend, but will smooth out the instantaneous rise in each hour which is very important.

Now, I will compare four different methods that will impute the NA values in Seoul monitoring stations. Out of 6 years, I sampled February 2012 because no data was shown in the entire month! Lets have a look at the outcomes:


Even if you haven't looked at the equations, you can roughly guess how it is measured. But because I couldn't find any preferences out of the results, I thought it might be better to import them all.

Change 2: Transform PM10 data frame for Netlogo

Here is a sample PM10 data that I have for Gangnam. It includes Date, hour, Type,Value, and work. You can see the working hours are between 9-19 hours, and the home hours are 20-24 and 01-08 hours in a long format.

Date hour Type Value work
2010-01-01 1 ts_mean 30 home
2010-01-01 2 ts_mean 35 home
2010-01-01 3 ts_mean 36 home
2010-01-01 4 ts_mean 31 home
2010-01-01 5 ts_mean 33 home
2010-01-01 6 ts_mean 36 home
2010-01-01 7 ts_mean 28 home
2010-01-01 8 ts_mean 38 home
2010-01-01 9 ts_mean 37 work
2010-01-01 10 ts_mean 33 work
2010-01-01 11 ts_mean 31 work
2010-01-01 12 ts_mean 41 work
2010-01-01 13 ts_mean 29 work
2010-01-01 14 ts_mean 41 work
2010-01-01 15 ts_mean 36 work
2010-01-01 16 ts_mean 36 work
2010-01-01 17 ts_mean 37 work
2010-01-01 18 ts_mean 35 work
2010-01-01 19 ts_mean 37 work
2010-01-01 20 ts_mean 38 home
2010-01-01 21 ts_mean 52 home
2010-01-01 22 ts_mean 43 home
2010-01-01 23 ts_mean 43 home
2010-01-01 24 ts_mean 39 home

If we import the file directly to NetLogo, then we will need more work to do. This is because NetLogo likes wide formats rather than long. We can obviously use a for loop to do the job, but I prefer to reduce the burden for NetLogo.

I transformed the data in to the format shown below. You can see in each day there are 13 home hours and 11 working hours. To avoid any confusion with a mixture of formats (integers, factors, characters) allocated in each row, I converted the NA values to -999.

A tibble: 23,376 x 16

dates type work h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9 10h 11h 12h 13h
1 2010-01-01 ts_int home 30 35 36 31 33 36 28 38 38 52 43 43 39
2 2010-01-01 ts_int work 37 33 31 41 29 41 36 36 37 35 37 -999 -999
3 2010-01-02 ts_int home 39 37 38 40 43 39 41 40 99 85 83 77 70
4 2010-01-02 ts_int work 46 44 47 42 39 42 47 55 68 75 102 -999 -999
5 2010-01-03 ts_int home 64 62 59 56 54 52 47 40 46 59 61 64 65
6 2010-01-03 ts_int work 49 36 33 41 45 39 46 37 44 50 43 -999 -999
7 2010-01-04 ts_int home 57 48 54 51 44 37 35 36 34 62 54 44 45
8 2010-01-04 ts_int work 25 26 28 24 25 27 31 30 33 27 26 -999 -999
9 2010-01-05 ts_int home 46 56 53 60 61 62 62 59 40 33 31 31 37
10 2010-01-05 ts_int work 65 63 56 58 41 46 68 64 47 29 41 -999 -999

This data has been exported as an hourly .csv file.

Change 3: Netlogo simulation

Having imported the data in to NetLogo, I let NetLogo pick one of the values in h1-h13 and randomly distribute it to each patch. Of course, I did not allow the programme to select -999. Have a look at the NetLogo codes below:

Software: NetLogo

  if (Scenario = "BAU")
  [ask patches with [gangnam = true]
     if ticks > 0 and (ticks + 1) mod 2 = 0 [set ts__int item (3 + random 13) table:get ts_int ticks + 1]  ; home
     if ticks > 0 and ticks mod 2 = 0       [set ts__int item (3 + random 11) table:get ts_int ticks + 1]  ; work
     if ticks > 0 and (ticks + 1) mod 2 = 0 [set ts__mean item (3 + random 13) table:get ts_mean ticks + 1] ; home
     if ticks > 0 and ticks mod 2 = 0       [set ts__mean item (3 + random 11) table:get ts_mean ticks + 1]; work
     if ticks > 0 and (ticks + 1) mod 2 = 0 [set ts__ma item (3 + random 13) table:get ts_ma ticks + 1] ; home
     if ticks > 0 and ticks mod 2 = 0       [set ts__ma item (3 + random 11) table:get ts_ma ticks + 1] ; work
     if ticks > 0 and (ticks + 1) mod 2 = 0 [set ts__kal item (3 + random 13) table:get ts_kal ticks + 1] ; home
     if ticks > 0 and ticks mod 2 = 0       [set ts__kal item (3 + random 11) table:get ts_kal ticks + 1] ; work

As a result, you may see the bottom four values in the attribution box. netlogo-interface

Change 4: Plotting people's health at the end of simulation

Here is a sampled result after simulating 6 years from 2010.01.01-2015.12.31.

who homename destinationName age health
0 sinsa sinsa young 208.3
1 sinsa sinsa young 208.9
2 sinsa sinsa young 211.2
3 sinsa sinsa young 206.5
4 sinsa sinsa young 208.0
5 sinsa sinsa young 0.0
6 sinsa sinsa young 211.0
7 sinsa sinsa young 208.8
8 sinsa sinsa young 0.0
9 sinsa sinsa young 208.2

and some plots...

By districts By age
healthzero-district healthzero-age