This repository contains supplementary material for our publication [1]. The corresponding database can be requested from All works using this database or code must provide acknowledgment and reference to [1].
This directory contains the partitioning files, which are required for training and testing of the contactless fingerprint PAD methods.
This directory contains the pre-processing pipeline utilized to segment the fingertips in our database. The code can be applied to own fingerphotos to obtain similarly segmented fingertips as in this database.
This contains a script to extract the region of interest for PAD from segmented fingertips.
[1] J. Kolberg, J. Priesnitz, C. Rathgeb, and C. Busch. "COLFISPOOF: A new Database for Contactless Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Research", in IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023.