Organized by Department of Physics, Thanu Padmanabhan Center for Cosmology and Science Popularization, SGT University CCSP-SGT, Gurgaon
I was among the plenary speakers, along with Prof. Mohammad Sami, Prof. T. R. Seshadri, Prof. Devendra K Ojha, Prof. Chetna Jain, Prof Suprit Singh, and Dr. Rahul Sharma and in this repository, I have included all the files, including the data file and Python notebook, that were covered in four lecture sessions and five hands-on sessions by me.
Day-3. October 28th 2023; 🔗
- Introduction to Statistics
- Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)
- Minimum Chi-square Test
- Bayesian Statistics
- Monte Carlo
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Hands-on Session
- Flat
$\Lambda CDM$ Model fitting with Hubble Parameter Measurements using Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
- Flat
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© Darshan Kumar Beniwal, University of Delhi, 2023, Presented at The Thanu Padmanabhan Center for Cosmology and Science Popularization, SGT University, Gurgaon, India.