This is the (improved) code for my portable laser projector - as seen here:
Improved version - this fixes many issues from the version that was shown in the video (1.0)
Switch statements instead of if/else because they are slightly faster
Using clock cycle timer (NOP) instead of delayMicroseconds() - faster and more accurate
Binary "pixel" arrays instead of positive and negative numbers for segments
Increased max character count from 20 to 30 - due tighter letter spacing
Moved mirror checking code into a function
This was designed to run on an Arduino nano - I don't know if it will work on anything else or not
You will have to set the left right alignment manually for each mirror - this is the first number as seen here: "85 + centerVal" this accounts for imperfections in the mirror array
This will work with either serial data over USB or with an Arduino Bluetooth module. The BT module has to be disconnected to use USB though.
Use the app "Serial Bluetooth Terminal" for BT communication
Because of the switch statement structure, this now only supports lower case letters as input