2310.6.2 Release notes - bug fix and minor functionality additions
- Fixed issue where using Get-FogAssociatedSnapins could result in a 404 error if a host had a snapin association with a snapinid of 0
- Renamed Get-FogAssociatedSnapins to Get-FogHostAssociatedSnapins as it is getting them for the current or specified host, kept old name and some other names as aliases. Because a function name changed, made it a major version.
- Added a Get-FogSnapinAssociations to get all snapin associations on the server
- Added Repair-FogSnapinAssociations to find and fix any associations on the server that belong to non-existent hosts, or that have invalid hostids or snapinids that are 0 or negative
- Added checks for if a snapinid is 0 before getting the snapin record of an association in Get-FogHostAssociatedSnapins and when setting a snapin on a host in Set-FogSnapins to further prevent related errors
Full Changelog: 2304.5.41...2310.6.2