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♿ a11y
♿ a11y
🔑 access request
🔑 access request
💻 Admin
💻 Admin
Admin features created in its own Repo!
📊 analytics
📊 analytics
Metrics and data tracking
💥 breaking change
💥 breaking change
Backward-incompatible updates
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
🧹 chore
🧹 chore
Routine maintenance tasks
🤖 ci/cd
🤖 ci/cd
Pipeline and automation tweaks
📦 dependencies
📦 dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🎨 design
🎨 design
UI/UX improvements
📝 documentation
📝 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🔁 duplicate
🔁 duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✨ enhancement
✨ enhancement
New feature or request
🔧 fix
🔧 fix
Bug fixes and code patches
🌱 good first issue
🌱 good first issue
Good for newcomers
🙏 help wanted
🙏 help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🔥 hotfix
🔥 hotfix
Urgent production fixes
🌍 i18n
🌍 i18n
❌ invalid
❌ invalid
This doesn't seem right
🔍 investigation
🔍 investigation
Research and analysis tasks
⚡ performance
⚡ performance
Speed and efficiency improvements
❓ question
❓ question
Further information is requested
🔨 refactor
🔨 refactor
Code cleanup without new features
🚀 release
🚀 release
New release preparations
🔒 security
🔒 security
Vulnerability fixes and enhancements
🛠️ tech debt
🛠️ tech debt
needs refactoring to follow best practices
🧪 tests
🧪 tests
Unit/integration test updates
🚫 wontfix
🚫 wontfix
This will not be worked on