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File metadata and controls

479 lines (331 loc) · 11.7 KB

V4l2Camera class definition


  • V4l2Camera

    • super class, defines structure of platform specific classes
    • provides logging functions for sub-classes
  • LinuxCamera

    • Linux variant sub-class
    • uses video4linux2 api
  • MacCamera

    • MacOS variant
    • in progress, will use AVFoundation api
  • WinCamera

    • Windows variant
    • in progress, will use Media.Capture api


  • V4l2Camera class is a super class
    • provides structure for the platform dependent variants of the interface
    • it is not meant to be instantiated.
  • Provides logging support for sub-classes

Logging Support

Logging Mode

  • logOff : messages are discarded
  • logInternal : messages are kept in local buffer for this camera object, but are not sent to the console
  • logToStdErr : messages are kept in local buffer and sent to the console via std::cerr
  • logToStdOut : messages are kept in local buffer and sent to the console via std::cout

Logging Messasge Type

  • info : displays with a blue [info] tag
  • warning : displays with a yellow [warn] tag
  • error : displays with an orange [ERR ] tag
  • critical : displays with a red [CRIT] tag

Logging Setup


// Send Log Message
void log( std::string msg, enum v4l2cam_msg_type tag = v4l2cam_msg_type::info );

// Set Log Mode
void setLogMode( enum v4l2cam_logging_mode );

// Clear Device Log
void clearLog();

// Get Last N Log Messages
std::vector<std::string>getLogMsgs( int num );


// Example Usage

// set up logging mode on new camera obect

my_dev = new V4l2Camera( "/dev/video0" );

my_dev->setLogMode( v4l2cam_logging_mode::logInternal );
my_dev->log( "v4l2Camera object created", v4l2cam_msg_type::info );

if( my_dev->open() )
    // do camera stuff

} else {
    // complain

Get / Set Log Messages


// get last 10 messages, destructive get, oldest 10 messages are removed from the log

std::string msgs = my_dev=>getLogMsgs(10);

std::cout << "Retrieved " << msgs.size() << " messages" << std:endl;

// clear all messages

Configuration - Change Size of Device Log

In v4l2camera.h

static const int s_logDepth = 500;      // change this to whatever you want, circular buffer, will automatically overwrite old entries

LinuxCamera class

  • sub-class of V4l2Camera
  • Implements actual interface to video4linux2 api and devices.
  • The LinuxCamera class uses the video4linux2 api which interacts with the low level drivers provided for UVC Camera support.



LinuxCamera( std::string devName );

  • Creating this object directly requires a video device path to be provided (example /dev/video0)
  • <std::string devName> is in the form of "/dev/videoX", where "X" is a number, usually between 0 and 63.
  • The /dev folder may be in a different location on your operating system
  • Note : It is not required to call this constructor directly, you can call discoverCameras() static method instead which will provide a list of available cameras in yoru system


LinuxCamera * my_dev = new LinuxCamera( "/dev/video0" );



virtual ~LinuxCamera();

  • Cleans up memory and ensures the device is closed so that other resources may access the camera.
  • Note : if you delete a camera that is in the list provided by discoverCameras be sure to remove the camera from the list as it will remain in the list as an invalid pointer.


delete my_dev;

Discover System Cameras


static std::vector<LinuxCamera *>  discoverCameras();

  • Call this method before trying to access any of the cameras in the system.
  • It will return ALL the accessible cameras in the system
  • Note : it is possible that cameras will be added and removed from the system, if you think that this is going to occur you can call this method again to provide a new list.
  • Note : V4l2Camera does not implement USB Hotplug callbacks


std::vector<LinuxCamera *> camList = LinuxCamera::DiscoverCameras();

if( camList.size() > 0 )
    // select a specific camera and begin operations


Open Camera


virtual bool open() override;

  • Camera must be successfully opened before any other camera operation can occur.
  • Once camera is open, some (but not necessarily all) of the other camera operations can be performed.
  • Note : A camera can be opened that is already opened by another application. Only one app can fetch images at a time but the controls for a camera can be accessed while another app is streaming images. In this way you can modify the visual parameters of the cameras while a streaming session is in progress.


LinuxCamera * my_cam = camList[0];

if( my_cam->open() )
    // you can now use the camera

} else {
    std::cerr << "USB Cameras : << my_cam->getDevName() << "failed to open" << std:endl;

Check Camera Is Open


virtual bool isOpen() override;

  • App should check isOpen() before any camera operation to verify it is actually open.


if( !my_dev->isOpen() && !my_dev->open() )
    std::cerr << "USB Cameras : << my_cam->getDevName() << "is not open AND/OR failed to open" << std:endl;

} else {
    // do camera stuff


Check Camera Is Healthy


virtual bool isHealthy() override;

  • App should periodically check isHealthy() to know if camera is interacting properly with system.
  • Low rent way to determine if perhaps camera has been unplugged from system.
  • VERY implementation specific, current LinuxCamera class simply counts number of failed calls and reported not healthy after 10 failure.


if( !my_dev->isHealthy() )
    std::cerr << "USB Cameras : << my_cam->getDevName() << "is has been removed or other failure" << std:endl;

} else {
    // do normal camera stuff


Close Camera


virtual void close() override;

  • Once a camera is closed no other operations may be performed.
  • It is not necessary to delete a camera object after close. The camera object can be opened and closed as many times as required.



Discover Camera Information


// Discover Camera name and image read modes
virtual bool enumCapabilities() override;

// Discover list of user controls, ranges and step sizes
virtual bool enumControls() override;

// Discover list of video modes supported, image compression and size
virtual bool enumVideoModes() override;

  • Queries the camera for it's capabilities, including Vendor supplied name for the camera, list of supported controls, and all the supported video modes.
  • These calls only need to be done once after the initilization of the camera object.
  • Camera must be open for these functions to work.
  • Added as separate operation as can be expensive in terms of processing, can be moved into construction if confident that operations can be completed quickly.


    // these should/can all be done at the same time
    if( my_dev->open() )

        // do more camera stuff


Query Camera Information


// Get the vendor supplied name for the camera
virtual std::string getUserName() override;

// Get Descriptive Name for Camera Type
std::string getCameraType();

// Get the device specific name for the camera
// - usually /dev/videoX
virtual std::string getDevName() override;

// Determine if camera is able to fetch images
virtual bool canFetch() override;

  • access information previously queried by the camera information enum methods


if( !my_dev->isOpen() && !my_dev->open() )
    std::cerr << "USB Cameras : << my_cam->getUserName() << "is not open AND/OR failed to open" << std:endl;

} else {
    // check if we can actually fetch images
    if( my_dev->canFetch() )
        // do camera stuff

    } else {
        std::cerr << "USB Cameras : << my_cam->getUserName() << " : unable to fetch images from this camera" << std:endl;

Interact With Camera Controls


// Control Structure
struct v4l2cam_control
    std::string name;               // name provided by API for control
    int type;                       // type of control (INTEGER, BOOLEAN, MAP)
    int id;                         // ID of control as provided by API (this is the MAP key)
    std::string typeStr;            // type of control converted to string for UI display as required
    int min;                        // Min value for control
    int max;                        // Max value for control
    std::map<int, std::string> menuItems;       // if item is a menu then list is provided, map key is ID to use when setting or getting value
    int step;                       // step size of control, vakue passed to set between values will be assigned up or down by API
    int value;                      // current value of control

// Retrieve list of controls enumerated by enumControls
// - NOTE : value is only current as of time of the enumControls call
// - NOTE : value is NOT updated by calls to getvalue()
std::map<int, struct v4l2cam_control> getControls() { return this->m_controls; };

// Retrieves Control structure for control identified by ID, corresponds to map key in cotrol list
struct v4l2cam_control getOneCntrl( int index );

// Get current value for control
// - returns -1 on failure
// - openOnDemand allows this call to function regardless of whether current LinuxCamera object is open or closed
virtual int getValue( int id, bool openOnDemand = false ) override;

// Set current value for control
// - returns current value of control after set (should be passed value), will return -1 on failure
// - openOnDemand allows this call to function regardless of whether current LinuxCamera object is open or closed
virtual int setValue( int id, int val, bool openOnDemand = false ) override;

  • this call can be made without the camera device being open (use openOnDemand to override current isOpen state)
  • this call can (should be able to) be made when another app has the camera open, allowing an app to manipulate camera settings even during a video streaming session.


// Objective, set exposure control to 40%
int bright_id = 9963776;    // defined by video4linux2 api

struct v4l2cam_control s_cntrl = my_dev->getOneCtrl( bright_id );

// calculate 40% of range of control
int new_value = s_cntrl.min + ((float)(s_cntrl.max - s_cntrl.min) * .4);

if( my_dev->setValue( bright_id, new_value, true ) == new_value )
    std::cout << "Set brightness of : << my_cam->getUserName() << " to " << new_value << std:endl;

} else {
    // call failed, tell user
    std::cerr << "Unable to set brightness of : << my_cam->getUserName() << std:endl;

Query Video Modes Supported by Camera

std::vector getVideoModes() { return this->m_modes; }; struct v4l2cam_video_mode getOneVM( int index );

Grab An Image from the Camera

virtual bool init( enum v4l2cam_fetch_mode ) override; virtual bool setFrameFormat( struct v4l2cam_video_mode ) override; bool setFrameFormat( std::string mode, int width, int height );

virtual struct v4l2cam_image_buffer * fetch( bool lastOne ) override;