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Better traceback for async functions
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dankmolot committed Jul 14, 2024
1 parent bfe0c6f commit 95a7d29
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Showing 2 changed files with 54 additions and 8 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Retro
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Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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60 changes: 53 additions & 7 deletions promise.yue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Error, TypeError, RuntimeError from include "error.lua"
import isfunction, istable, isstring, getmetatable, pcall, xpcall, error, ipairs from _G
import format, match from string
import create, resume, yield, running from coroutine
import remove from table

setTimeout = timer.Simple

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,38 +199,83 @@ class Promise
Catch = (onRejected) => return Then( @, nil, onRejected )
Finally = (onFinally) => return Then( @, nil, nil, onFinally )


transformError = (err) ->
if isstring( err )
file, line, message = match( err, "^([A-Za-z0-9%-_/.]+):(%d+): (.*)" )
if file and line
err = RuntimeError( message, file, line, 5 )
err = RuntimeError( message, file, line, 4 )

if err )
stack = err.stack
length = #stack

if length >= 2 and stack[length - 1].name == "xpcall"
stack[length - 1] = nil -- remove xpcall stack
stack[length] = nil -- remove promise wrapper stack

if #stack == 0 -- if stack is empty, remove debug information
err.fileName = nil
err.lineNumber = nil

if lastStack
if #stack > 0 and not stack[#stack].name
stack[#stack].name = lastStack[1].name -- set previous stack name since it's the name of the function

-- Append previous stack to the current stack
for entry in *lastStack[2,]
stack[] = entry

if first := stack[1]
@fileName or= first.short_src
@lineNumber or= first.currentline

return err

@Async: (fn) ->
return (...) ->
p = Promise!

CALL_STACK[] = Error.captureStack() -- push stack

co = create (...) ->
-- TODO: save stacktrace and pass it to reject
success, result = xpcall( fn, transformError, ... )
if success
Resolve( p, result )
Reject( p, result )

CALL_STACK[#CALL_STACK] = nil -- pop stack

resume( co, ... )
return p

-- TODO: better await for thenables (if the resolve in the same tick)
SafeAwait = (p) ->
co = running!
unless co
return false, PromiseError "Cannot await in main thread"

local _success, _value, waiting, stack

finish = (success, value) ->
if waiting
CALL_STACK[] = stack -- push previous stack
resume co, success, value
_success, _value = success, value

wait = ->
if _success != nil
return _success, _value
waiting = true
stack = remove( CALL_STACK ) -- pop current stack
return yield!

once_wrapper = once!
onResolve = once_wrapper (value) -> resume co, true, value
onReject = once_wrapper (reason) -> resume co, false, reason
onResolve = once_wrapper (value) -> finish( true, value )
onReject = once_wrapper (reason) -> finish( false, reason )

if IsPromise p
switch p.state
Expand All @@ -239,12 +285,12 @@ class Promise
return false, p.reason
Then( p, onResolve, onReject )
return yield!
return wait!

thenable = istable(p) and getThenable(p)
if iscallable( thenable )
pcall( thenable, p, onResolve, onReject )
return yield!
return wait!

return true, p

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