This is a demo of integration with a third party image search provider Pexels
This is the folder for the backend integration with Pexels a free image stock, using a queue to process images without breaking the rate limits of the api. Features:
- Microservices with Redis Pub/Sub
- Redis Bull Queues
- Redis Caching
- Scheduling with Cron Jobs
- api + queue producer + subpexels-api/src/micro.module.ts
- queue consumer + scheduling + pub
is the frontend created in react and nextjs with the following features:
- Paginated virtual grid
- Server-Side Rendering
- Search
- SPA Routing
- Nested Routing
The easiest way to run is using docker-compose file provided and prebuilt images from dockerhub it will automatically setup redis and routing between services you will have the client running on http://localhost:5257
git clone
cd next-nest
mkdir redis
chmod 777 redis
PEXELS_API_KEY='paste-your-apikey' \
REDIS_VOLUME_PATH=$(pwd)/redis \
PUBLIC_API_URL='http://localhost:5256/' \
REDIS_PASSWORD='yourpassword123' \
docker compose up -d
open http://localhost:5257
- Redis running on localhost:6379
environment variable set to the key that you can get from the pexels website after registering- Run with
yarn QUEUE_CONSUMER='true' API_PRODUCER='true' yarn start
by default3000
if backend runningAPI_URL
by default is set to http://localhost:3000/- Run with
yarn yarn dev