Releases: danielqsj/kafka_exporter
v1.9.0 / 2025-02-17
What's Changed
- Add support for authentication with AWS MSK via IAM by @errm in #415
- Improve metrics description in README by @timonegk in #473
- fix: incorrect build_info metric introduced in 9df9db8 by @hateeyan in #474
- Clean up all current vulnerabilities. by @nachogiljaldo in #475
- [misc] use instead of by @dao-jun in #465
- README: consumer lag cannot be seen by @seaBFH in #461
- support env SASL_USER_PASSWORD by @wangzhiy in #442
- Fix for issue 437 by @dSohaliya in #466
New Contributors
- @timonegk made their first contribution in #473
- @nachogiljaldo made their first contribution in #475
- @dao-jun made their first contribution in #465
- @seaBFH made their first contribution in #461
- @wangzhiy made their first contribution in #442
- @dSohaliya made their first contribution in #466
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0
1.8.0 / 2024-08-20
What's Changed
- Bump from 2.90.1 to 2.100.1 by @dependabot in #389
- add noonroot in containers by @zhangguanzhang in #410
- add run with docker compose by @zeoses in #408
- Adding api group in service monitor for Azure managed prometheus by @rashmichandrashekar in #430
- Fix issue#409: skip error group members by @showuon in #441
- Fix CVEs by @aadarshjain-dev in #446
- Upgrade to v0.23.0 by @aadarshjain-dev in #447
- Handle Azure Eventhubs returns list duplicated servers by @nqminhdl in #448
- Update Go and Dependencies to Latest Versions for CVE Compliance and Project Maintenance by @abregar in #454
- chore: remove refs to deprecated io/ioutil by @testwill in #440
- Update readme for azure managed prometheus support by @rashmichandrashekar in #431
- fix: offsetFetchResponse missing topic partitions by @sciclon2 in #432
- fix: Fixing Issue with Member Assignments in Consumer Group by @sciclon2 in #429
- Fix Error Handling in Member Assignment to Ensure Seamless Processing by @sciclon2 in #427
- Supporting compile the exporter in linux/aarch64 (AKA: arm64) by @sciclon2 in #424
New Contributors
- @zhangguanzhang made their first contribution in #410
- @zeoses made their first contribution in #408
- @rashmichandrashekar made their first contribution in #430
- @showuon made their first contribution in #441
- @aadarshjain-dev made their first contribution in #426
- @nqminhdl made their first contribution in #448
- @abregar made their first contribution in #454
- @testwill made their first contribution in #440
- @sciclon2 made their first contribution in #432
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0
1.7.0 / 2023-05-24
[FEATURE] Add topic and group exclusion parameters #379
[FEATURE] Upgrade golang to 1.20.4 0d5444a
[ENHANCEMENT] Set RootCAs to nil in default case 3852615
[ENHANCEMENT] Bump from 1.36.0 to 1.38.1 b9727bc
[ENHANCEMENT] Bump from 2.70.1 to 2.90.1 a450413
[ENHANCEMENT] update kingpin, prometheus, dependency 358eb6a
[ENHANCEMENT] bump golangci-lint to 1.52.2 d51342f
[ENHANCEMENT] upgrade to v0.14.0 9f423db
[ENHANCEMENT] docs: add doc for zookeeper part ad9d078
[FIX] docs: fix Grafana dashboard URL 14363cc
1.6.0 / 2022-08-24
[FEATURE] Add option kafka.allow-auto-topic-creation
to control whether auto-create topics which do not already exist, default is false.
[ENHANCEMENT] Use klog to replace glog, which can make kingpin flag parse correctly.
1.5.0 / 2022-08-23
1.4.2 / 2021-09-16
1.4.1 / 2021-09-08
[ENHANCEMENT] Performance improvements for large clusters #228
1.4.0 / 2021-09-08
[FEATURE] introduce to control offset logic, default to collect all offset as 1.3.0
[FEATURE] upgrade to go 1.17
[ENHANCEMENT] fix build info missing
1.3.2 / 2021-09-07
[FEATURE] Enable building multi-arch docker images for s390x #251
[FEATURE] Add Kustomize Support #233
[FEATURE] Support connect to kerberized Kafka #230
[FEATURE] Initial smoke test #223
[FEATURE] Allow to skip certificate verification when tls is enabled #242
[ENHANCEMENT] offset/lag collect use all partition if consumer group is not Stable #255
[ENHANCEMENT] Replace with standard libary log #246
[ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade sarama to v1.29.1
[BUGFIX] fix ASN errors during Kerberos #249