Collect paper about ground segmentation in 3D point cloud. This is the first and a crucial step towards object detection of 3d Point Clouds.
Fast Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds for Ground Vehicles (2010) [paper], [code], [3rd party implementation]
(GP-INASC) On the Segmentation of 3D LIDAR Point Clouds (2011) [paper] [code]
Fast Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds: A Paradigm on LiDAR Data for Autonomous Vehicle Applications (2017) [paper] [single plane code], [multi plane code], [3rd party implementation]
A Slope-robust Cascaded Ground Segmentation in 3D Point Cloud for Autonomous Vehicles (2018) [paper], [Python], [c++]
A Probability Occupancy Grid Based Approach for Real-Time LiDAR Ground Segmentation (2019) [paper], [3rd party implementation]
Patchwork: Concentric Zone-based Region-wise Ground Segmentation with Ground Likelihood Estimation Using a 3D LiDAR Sensor (2021) [paper], [code]
(RECM-JCP) Fast Ground Segmentation for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Based on Jump-Convolution-Process (2021) [paper], [code]
Patchwork++: Fast and Robust Ground Segmentation Solving Partial Under-Segmentation Using 3D Point Cloud (2022) [paper], [code]
GndNet: Fast Ground Plane Estimation and Point Cloud Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles [code]
The elevation mapping technique which was introduced in 2005 during the DARPA challenge by [Researchers at Stanford University] was proposed for easier representation of point clouds for ground segementation and real-time autonomous driving. Although, some of the above indicated in literature the use of an elevation method [RECM-JCP], a review of thier code shows the use of the polar grid mapping method which is also a very popular and efficient technique for point cloud representation. This section would also include elevation and terrain mapping applied to SLAM and robotic navigation.
Probabilistic Terrain Mapping for Mobile Robots With Uncertain Localization (2018) [paper], [code]
GEM: Online Globally Consistent Dense Elevation Mapping for Unstructured Terrain [paper], [code]
Elevation Mapping for Locomotion and Navigation using GPU [paper], [code]
RING++: Roto-translation Invariant Gram for Global Localization on a Sparse Scan Map [ring] [ring++], [code]
Reconstructing occluded Elevation Information in Terrain Maps with Self-supervised Learning (2022) [paper], [code]
Terrain mapping algorithm for motion planning and control by [robot locomotion]
- Ground segmentation benchmark in SemanticKITTI dataset by [url-kaist team]
A Technical Survey and Evaluation of Traditional Point Cloud Clustering Methods for LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation (2021) [paper], [code]
FEC: Fast Euclidean Clustering for Point Cloud Segmentation [paper], [code]
- PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation. [paper] [code]
- PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space. [paper] [code]
- Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data [paper] [code]
- RTM3D: Real-time Monocular 3D Detection from Object Keypoints for Autonomous Driving" (ECCV 2020) [paper] [code] [code]
- Complex-YOLO: An Euler-Region-Proposal for Real-time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds [paper] [code]
- Super Fast and Accurate 3D Object Detection based on 3D LiDAR Point Clouds (The PyTorch implementation) [code]
- VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection [paper] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
- Multi-View 3D Object Detection Network for Autonomous Driving [paper] [code]
- Lightweight and Accurate Point Cloud Clustering. [paper] [code]
- Linked Dynamic Graph CNN: Learning through Point Cloud by Linking Hierarchical Features. [paper] [code]
- Point-to-Voxel Knowledge Distillation for LiDAR Semantic Segmentation. [paper] [paper] [code]
- Point Transformer. [paper] [paper] [code] [code]
- GndNet: Fast Ground Plane Estimation and Point Cloud Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles. [paper] [code]
- DeltaConv: Anisotropic Operators for Geometric Deep Learning on Point Clouds. [paper] [code]
- PointSIFT: A SIFT-like Network Module for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation. [paper] [code]
- RangeNet++: Fast and Accurate LiDAR Semantic Segmentation. [paper] [code]
- Learning Geometry-Disentangled Representation for Complementary Understanding of 3D Object Point Cloud. [paper] [code]
- Dynamic Graph CNN for Learning on Point Clouds. [paper [code]
- PointConv: Deep Convolutional Networks on 3D Point Clouds. [paper] [code]
- PointNetLK: Robust & Efficient Point Cloud Registration using PointNet. [paper] [code]
- PCN: Point Completion Network. [paper] [code]
- RPM-Net: Robust Point Matching using Learned Features. [paper] [code]
- 3D ShapeNets: A Deep Representation for Volumetric Shapes. [paper] [code]
- Correspondence Matrices are Underrated. [paper] [code]
- MaskNet: A Fully-Convolutional Network to Estimate Inlier Points. [paper] [code]
- 3DLineDetection. [paper] [code]
- Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey (IEEE TPAMI, 2020). [paper] [code]
- LatticeNet: Fast Point Cloud Segmentation Using Permutohedral Lattices. [paper] [code]
- SqueezeSegV3: Spatially-Adaptive Convolution for Efficient Point-Cloud Segmentation. [paper] [code]
- Monte Carlo Convolution for Learning on Non-Uniformly Sampled Point Clouds. [paper] [code]
- cilantro: A Lean, Versatile, and Efficient Library for Point Cloud Data Processing.
- Oriented Point Sampling for Plane Detection in Unorganized Point Clouds. [paper] [code]
- Supervoxel for 3D point clouds. [paper] [code]
- MmWave Radar Point Cloud Segmentation using GMM in Multimodal Traffic Monitoring. [paper] [code]
- LRGNet: Learnable Region Growing for Class-Agnostic Point Cloud Segmentation. [paper] [code]
- PAConv: Position Adaptive Convolution with Dynamic Kernel Assembling on Point Clouds. [paper] [code]
- SCF-Net: Learning Spatial Contextual Features for Large-Scale Point Cloud Segmentation. [paper] [code]
- Point-BERT: Pre-training 3D Point Cloud Transformers with Masked Point Modeling. [paper] [code]
- Masked AutoenGitHubrs for Point Cloud Self-supervised Learning. [paper] [code]
- EagerMOT: 3D Multi-Object Tracking via Sensor Fusion [paper] [code]
- PointPainting: Sequential Fusion for 3D Object Detection [paper] [code] [code]
- Automatic Radar-Camera Dataset Generation for Sensor-Fusion Applications [paper] [code]
- Radar Voxel Fusion for 3D Object Detection [paper] [code]
- CRF-Net for Object Detection (Camera and Radar Fusion Network) [paper] [code]
- [paper] [code]
- LCCNet: LiDAR and Camera Self-Calibration using Cost Volume Network [paper] [code]
- A Collection of LiDAR-Camera-Calibration Papers, Toolboxes and Notes [code]
- LiDAR-camera system extrinsic calibration by establishing virtual point correspondences from pseudo calibration objects [paper]
- A list of papers and datasets about point cloud analysis (processing) [code]
- ICCV-2021-point-cloud-analysis [code]
- Lidar and radar fusion for real-time road-objects detection and tracking [paper]
- Awesome Radar Perception [code]
- Automatic Extrinsic Calibration of Vision and Lidar by Maximizing Mutual Information [paper]
- Surrounding Objects Detection and Tracking for Autonomous Driving Using LiDAR and Radar Fusion [paper]
- Camera-LiDAR Multi-Level Sensor Fusion for Target Detection at the Network Edge [paper]
- Real-time RADAR and LIDAR Sensor Fusion for Automated Driving [paper]
- Radar Camera Fusion via Representation Learning in Autonomous Driving [paper]
- Pytorch C++ by [prabhuomkar]
- Paper with Code [site]
- 3D point cloud by [zhulf0804]
- Lidar-Ground-Segmantation-Paper-List by [wangx1996]
- The list of vision-based SLAM by [tzutalin]
- Lidar Point clound processing for Autonomous Driving by [beedotkiran]
- Vision-Centric-BEV-Perception by [4DVLab]
- Awesome BEV Perception from Multi-Cameras by [chaytonmin]
- Awesome Radar Perception by [ZHOUYI1023]
- IoT: Awesome edge computing by [qijianpeng]
- Logical Neural Networks a neuro symbolic framework by [IBM]
- DeepSpeed Examples by [microsoft]
- GPT4All: An ecosystem of open-source on-edge large language models by [nomic-ai]