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Museo is a library that provides snapshot testing utilities for Rails (>= 4) views.

Snapshot testing is a form of regression testing where the output of your views (given a set of state) is written to a file and compared against the historical version during testing. Any time there is a change in the rendered output of your views, Museo will show you the diff and cause your tests to fail. If the changes you see are what you expected, you can remove the previous version of the snapshot and make the new version the canonical output.

It supports Minitest and RSpec (2, 3).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'museo'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install museo




Museo.configure do |config|
  # Configure Museo to use RSpec (automatically set to true if spec directory exists)
  config.rspec = true
  # Stub the `render` method inside views
  config.stub(:render) do |options = {}, block = nil|
    options[:content] = capture(&block) if block


The museo CLI has 2 commands: list and clear

$ museo help
  museo clear [MATCHER]  # Clear snapshots that match MATCHER
  museo help [COMMAND]   # Describe available commands or one specific command
  museo list [MATCHER]   # List snapshots that match MATCHER


RSpec.describe ProductsController, type: :controller do
  include Museo::RSpecIntegration
  describe "GET #index" do
    snapshot "with no params" do
      get :index


require "test_helper"

class ProductsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  include Museo::MinitestIntegration
  snapshot "#index with no params" do
    get :index

Getting Started

Museo makes a custom testing command available to your controller tests to save and compare snapshots.

These examples will be written with Minitest, but there are examples below for how to work with RSpec as well.

Note: all code from this guide can be found at the museo-example repo

Let's start with a simple setup and write some snapshot tests.


class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @products = Product.all


<h1 class="page-title">Products</h1>

<%= render partial: "product", collection: @products %>


<div class="product">
  <strong><%= %></strong>
  <% if product.discounted? %>
      Price: <strike><%= number_to_currency product.price %></strike>
      <%= number_to_currency product.discounted_price %>
    <div><%= product.discount_percentage %><sup>%</sup> off!</div>
  <% else %>
      Price: <%= number_to_currency product.price %>
  <% end %>

It looks like this

Initial State

Now, let's do some snapshot tests

First, include Museo::RSpecIntegration and write your first snapshot

class ProductsController < ActionController::TestCase
  include Museo::MinitestIntegration
  describe "GET #index" do
    snapshot "with no params" do
      get :index

Then run the tests

$ bundle exec rspec
Run options: include {:focus=>true}

All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}

Randomized with seed 36544

  GET #index
Updated snapshot for "matches_snapshot_with_no_params.snapshot"
    matches snapshot: with no params

Top 1 slowest examples (0.04054 seconds, 98.4% of total time):
  ProductsController GET #index matches snapshot: with no params
    0.04054 seconds

Finished in 0.04118 seconds (files took 1.41 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 36544

Notice where it says `Updated snapshot for "matches_snapshot_with_no_params.snapshot". This means there was no previous snapshot file and Museo generated a new one.

Museo uses a special layout file that includes the contents of every content_for block, so your snapshots will not break for layout changes, but will break for any change of a content_for block.

$ tree spec/snapshots
└── ProductsController
    └── matches_snapshot_with_no_params.snapshot

1 directory, 1 file

Now we have our first snapshot! Let's make some changes to our template and see what happens.


<h1 class="title">Products</h1>

<hr />

<%= render partial: "product", collection: @products %>
$ bundle exec rspec
Run options: include {:focus=>true}

All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}

Randomized with seed 60210

  GET #index
    matches snapshot: with no params (FAILED - 1)


  1) ProductsController GET #index matches snapshot: with no params
     Failure/Error: DEFAULT_FAILURE_NOTIFIER = lambda { |failure, _opts| raise failure }

       Snapshot did not match
       @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
        <!-- content_for layout -->

       -<h1 class="page-title">Products</h1>
       +<h1 class="title">Products</h1>
       +<hr />

        <div class="product">
          <strong>Westworld Season 1 Blu-Ray</strong>

Now we have an error letting us know that our snapshot didn't match.

If the diff is correct, we can clear out the old snapshot and regenerate it using the CLI tool

$ bundle exec museo clear ProductsController
Directory: /Users/danielma/Code/test/museo-example/test/snapshots/ProductsController

Removing snapshots

Now that the snapshots are cleared, run the tests again to regenerate the snapshots.

$ bundle exec rspec
Run options: include {:focus=>true}

All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}

Randomized with seed 6462

  GET #index
Updated snapshot for "matches_snapshot_with_no_params.snapshot"
    matches snapshot: with no params

Include your snapshots in your version control repo for accurate history

How can Museo help?

Let's say you decide to change some logic in your _product.html.erb partial. Museo can help you make sure the output is exactly what you expect.

In our _product.html.erb, we want to move the block for a non-discounted product above the block for a discounted product. We'll need a logic change.


<div class="product">
  <strong><%= %></strong>
  <% if product.discounted? %>
      Price: <%= number_to_currency product.price %>
  <% else %>
      Price: <strike><%= number_to_currency product.price %></strike>
      <%= number_to_currency product.discounted_price %>
    <div><%= product.discount_percentage %><sup>%</sup> off!</div>
  <% end %>
$ bundle exec rspec

This command should include this failure:


  1) ProductsController GET #index matches snapshot: with no params
     Failure/Error: DEFAULT_FAILURE_NOTIFIER = lambda { |failure, _opts| raise failure }

       Snapshot did not match

       @@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
        <div class="product">
          <strong>Westworld Season 1 Blu-Ray</strong>
       -      Price: <strike>$40.00</strike>
       -      $36.00
       +      Price: $40.00
       -    <div>10<sup>%</sup> off!</div>
        <div class="product">
          <strong>1 Week in Samurai World</strong>
       -      Price: $280,000.00
       +      Price: <strike>$280,000.00</strike>
       +      $280,000.00
       +    <div><sup>%</sup> off!</div>

Hmmm, we didn't expect the snapshot to break in this case. We only wanted to change the way the file was written. Looks like the logic in our most recent change is broken.

We can fix it by changing <% if product.discounted? %> to <% unless product.discounted? %>


<div class="product">
  <strong><%= %></strong>
  <% unless product.discounted? %>
      Price: <%= number_to_currency product.price %>
  <% else %>
      Price: <strike><%= number_to_currency product.price %></strike>
      <%= number_to_currency product.discounted_price %>
    <div><%= product.discount_percentage %><sup>%</sup> off!</div>
  <% end %>

And now, bundle exec rspec passes!

We have successfully made a change in our template without breaking the expected output.

Advanced Usage

Stubbing methods in your views

In some cases, you may not desire to include the output from certain helpers in your snapshots. For example, if you are using the react_rails gem, you may not want to include the output from the react_component helper.

We can stub this method in the Museo configuration


Museo.configure do |config|
  config.stub(:react_component) do |name, *_|

And use the helper in views/products/index.html.erb

<h1 class="title">Products</h1>

<hr />

<%= render partial: "product", collection: @products %>

<%= react_component "Components.Products", products: @products %>

Now, when we run bundle exec rspec, our new snapshots will no longer include the contents of the helper, but only the arguments we returned from our stub block.


  1) ProductsController GET #index matches snapshot: with no params
     Failure/Error: DEFAULT_FAILURE_NOTIFIER = lambda { |failure, _opts| raise failure }

       Snapshot did not match
       @@ -20,6 +20,12 @@

       +Stubbed method call: react_component

        <!-- end layout -->

This allows us to snapshot views without the output from noisy helpers (eg render partial: etc)

Prior Art

This library was inspired by Jest Snapshot Testing. It wouldn't be here without the Jest team's hard work.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at