To the best of my knowledge, this is still a valid project. I do not use Hexo day-to-day as I did when I created this library. If it needs attention, please open an issue!
A generator for Hexo that can produce more than one podcast per blog, based on presence of media files, categories, or tags
This is very much beta software, and it's not even quite feature-complete. Use at your own risk, YMMV, etc.
In _config.yml
- feed:
path: foot-cast.xml # relative to site root
title: My Football Podcast
subtitle: My ramblings about football
image: img/podcast/FootCast.jpg # relative to config.url + config.root
non_feed_url: category/footcast/ # the non-feed source for this content
category: FootCast # see below for tag-based feed
limit: 100 # how many episodes will be in the feed, max
content: true # whether to include text content along with the podcast; see note below
content_encoded: true # same as above, but includes the complete encoded text of the post; see note below
summary: I am right about football; if you agree, you are right too.
author: Me, Myself, and I # defaults to
owner: Me, Myself, and I
email: # e-mail from which iTunes podcast is registered
category: Sports # the category from iTunes; make sure to use their values
subcategory: Football # same as above
explicit: clean # valid values are yes, no, and clean
media_base_url: # why repeat that in every post?
default_media_type: audio/mpeg # can be overridden in post
- feed:
path: basket-cast.xml # relative to site root
title: My Basketball Podcast
subtitle: My ramblings about basketball
image: img/podcast/BasketCast.jpg # relative to config.url + config.root
non_feed_url: tag/basketcast/ # the non-feed source for this content
tag: basketcast # see above for category-based feed
limit: 20 # how many episodes will be in the feed, max
summary: I am right about basketball too
author: Me, Myself, and I # defaults to
owner: Me, Myself, and I
email: # e-mail from which iTunes podcast is registered
category: Sports # the category from iTunes; make sure to use their values
subcategory: Basketball # same as above
explicit: clean # valid values are yes, no, and clean
default_media_type: audio/mpeg # can be overridden in post
Content Note: If you want control over the content or encoded content placed into the podcast feed, you can put a script file in the scripts
directory of your site, and use it to set content
or content_encoded
to a function that receives the post and returns the content. For example, if I wanted to add "BOO-YAH!" to the content for BasketCast (the second feed in the above example), and I wanted it in bold type for the people who viewed encoded content, I could do the following:
hexo.config.podcasts[1].feed.content = post =>
`${post.content} - BOO-YAH!`
hexo.config.podcasts[1].feed.content_encoded = post =>
`${post.content} - <strong>BOO-YAH!</strong>`
In each post:
title: The Next Episode
date: 2017-04-22 12:34:56
# categories: or tags:, as appropriate
media: episode-file-name.mp3 # or a complete path; required (will be appended to feed:media_base_url)
length: 3443223 # size of the file in bytes; required
duration: "14:38" # HH:MM:SS or MM:SS; required
subtitle: Soon to the be the previous episode # optional (defaults to empty)
media_type: audio/mpeg # MIME type of the media file; optional (defaults to feed:default_media_type)
author: Me # optional (defaults to feed:itunes:author)
image: next.png # for the episode; optional (defaults to feed:image)
explicit: clean # optional (defaults to feed:itunes:explicit)
chapters: # optional, excluded from feed if absent
- [ "00:00:00.000", "Chapter 1" ]
- [ "00:05:00.000", "Five Minutes In" ]
# and so on