A Django app similar to django-flatblocks or django-chunks to add dynamic snippets of content to a django website.
Install using pip:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/danieljb/django-nuggets#egg=nuggets
Django Nuggets comes with two template tags:
- get_nugget
- render_nugget
While get_nugget
just writes the nugget model into the context render_nugget
renders the nugget model into a template.
{% get_nugget "key" for "applabel.modellabel" with cache_time="3600" as "context_variable" %}
{% render_nugget "key" for "applabel.modellabel" with template_path="nuggets/model_nugget.html" and template_context_variable="nugget" and cache_time="3600" as "context_variable" %}
Install django-nuggets and create a nugget model:
# example_app/models.py
from django.db import models
from nuggets.models import Nugget
class Text(Nugget):
content = models.TextField()
Register model for use in django’s admin interface:
# example_app/admin.py
from django.contrib import admin
from example_app.models import Text
If you want the model rendered as template instead of requesting a context variable create:
# templates/example_app/text_nugget.html
<p>{{ nugget.content }}</p>
Note: you can overwrite both, the template_context_variable as well as the template_path
Create a Nugget in your admin interface (e.g. "about"). Now we can load and use the nuggets in our templates like this:
{% load nuggets %}
<h1>My Site</h1>
<p>{% render_nugget "about" for "example_app.text" %}</p>
If you only want to retrieve a context variable use it like this:
{% load nuggets %}
{% get_nugget "about" for "example_app.text" as "about_text" %}
<h1>My Site</h1>
<p>{{ about_text }}</p>
There is a whole bunch of apps like django-nuggets, which differ just slightly from each other. While django-flatblocks might be the most elaborated, django-chunks is the lightweight version. django-nuggets were started to fulfil the needs of one specific project and feature two template-tags and a base model for inheritance and customization. So it is again slightly different. Development was heavily inspired from both, flatblocks and chunks. Thus some methods are derived from these projects.
Django Nuggets is distributed under GNU General Public License. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Django Nuggets. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Copyright (c) 2011, Daniel J. Becker