Releases: danieljancar/portfolio
Releases · danieljancar/portfolio
1.0.0 (2024-01-24)
Bug Fixes
- add icon margin styling and move legal docs (9a918f3)
- add missing icons to blog detail (2dbddc4)
- add new URLs to sitemap.xml (451bf34)
- added meta description (b4bcee9)
- change some general information about myself (6fa7951)
- correct typo in blog banner filename (e87e2a0)
- docs: updated deployment docs (2623317)
- fix cd action (f8842fc)
- fix cd action (d421d06)
- fix cd action (be5cadf)
- fix cd flow (b628fc6)
- improve general blog info (7767321)
- increase maximumWarning and maximumError in angular.json (166f3b5)
- increase maximumWarning and maximumError limits in angular.json (2622c72)
- infra: remove 'git push' from pre-commit hook (c619c8d)
- infrastructure: added empty organization folders (6b014ec)
- preparations before installing markdown-it (17b7e96)
- rearrange attributes in blog-detail component (92c1f16)
- refactor blog structure and add new introduction component (bac7e70)
- refactor deployment process and update GitHub Actions (ac195fe)
- remov bad static cd action (86fb3dd)
- remove back button from blog overview (e136cb2)
- remove cd workflow (e46de37)
- remove release workflow (397ef28)
- rename blog detail components for clarity (8ca67c5)
- simplify and update GitHub actions YAML (c0501c9)
- update .github/workflows/release.yml to streamline deployment (277e938)
- update add command in release.yml (37114ad)
- update application routing and add NotFoundComponent (29c839d)
- update blog content and add markdown-renderer component (2cf88c9)
- update blog content and minor frontend enhancements (d993bd7)
- update blog detail UI and add PrismJS package (21cd30b)
- update blog post and style changes in Markdown (40c34c4)
- update fetch-depth comment in release.yml (9ab6f0a)
- update GitHub Actions build process (a1e1e64)
- update GitHub Actions build process (ba343f3)
- update GitHub Actions build process (647f197)
- update GitHub Actions build process (343953c)
- update GitHub Actions build process (24867c3)
- update GitHub Actions build process (714aef3)
- update GitHub Actions build process (15ed66b)
- update GitHub Actions workflow settings (69b2a51)
- update icons path and remove unused dependency (8eb6a21)
- update markdown rendering and styling (63de7d4)
- update ng build command in release.yml (1f175e5)
- update release workflow for GitHub Actions (daa51f5)
- update release.yml workflow in GitHub Actions (a63d5d7)
- update release.yml workflow in GitHub Actions (17a2406)
- update release.yml workflow in GitHub Actions (2c47207)
- update release.yml workflow in GitHub Actions (42867d4)
- upload changes (a0e65eb)
- add 'bootstrapImage' icon and improve accessibility (845cfc4)
- add automated release workflow, refine formatting workflow (a8a2295)
- add badges to README file (89d60e4)
- add blog-footer component to blog detail (7074e81)
- add Continuous Deployment workflow (13cec8a)
- add daily merge action from develop into master (ec169e5)
- add dynamic title and meta description to components (197b6c0)
- add GitHub and external links to blog posts (b29bf90)
- add GitHub workflow for build and release (0fdf3f0)
- add manifest file, update metadata, improve error handling in images (a9d9269)
- Add marked and ngx-markdown to portfolio dependencies (5ba1088)
- add NotFoundComponent and update routing (6988988)
- added ci/cd configs (8d1d52b)
- added construction section to detail view (65560e8)
- added daisyui to project (3f8edec)
- added husky and prettier configs (e57f36a)
- added husky file (d2dcbfd)
- added latest blog functionalities ([a4bf607](a4bf607bfdc7c6ba...