template <typename BinaryOp>
void update(reference root, BinaryOp op); (1) (since 0.172.0)
(1) Evaluates the root value against the compiled JSONPath expression and calls a provided callback repeatedly with the results.
root | Root JSON value |
op |
A function object that accepts a path and a reference to a Json value.
It must have function call signature equivalent to
void fun(const basic_path_node<Json::char_type>& path, Json& val); |
The callback receives nodes with duplicates removed, and paths sorted in descending order.
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpath/jsonpath.hpp>
using json = jsoncons::json;
namespace jsonpath = jsoncons::jsonpath;
int main()
auto expr = jsoncons::jsonpath::make_expression<json>("$.books[*]");
std::ifstream is(/*path_to_books_file*/);
json doc = json::parse(is);
auto callback = [](const jsonpath::path_node& /*path*/, json& book)
if (book.at("category") == "memoir" && !book.contains("price"))
book.try_emplace("price", 140.0);
expr.update(doc, callback);
"author": "Phillips, David Atlee",
"category": "memoir",
"price": 140.0,
"title": "The Night Watch"