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  • What: This is a template for a Single Page App using Golang (Gin) + React (Material-UI) + MongoDB
  • How: REST api which serves a React frontend (bundle.js)
  • Why: Boilerplate for an SPA (intially an Admin App)

Getting Started

(All instructions are designed for use on Mac OS)


 - Visual Studio Code
  - Helpful Packages:
    - ESLint
    - Go
    - vscode-base64
 - Terminal
    - Brew
      ~$ brew install node
      ~$ npm install
    - Golang
 - Studio 3T (MongoDB)
 - Docker
 - Artifactory (Docker)
 - Jenkins (Docker)
 - Kubernetes (Docker)
 - Kibana (visualize data)
 - Grafana (visualize system)

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project.

Building and Running

  1. This project does NOT have to be located in the GOPATH/src directory
  2. To make sure you have all the packages for Go
go get ./...
  1. Add a debug configuration file to vscode with this info:
    • click the debug, then select from the dropdown next to the play button: Add Configuration
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "DEBUG",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "auto",
            // "program": "${fileDirname}",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/go/server.go",
            "env": {
                "ENV": "DEBUG",
                "PORT": "8081",
                "TRACE_LEVEL": "",
                // "CA_BUNDLE_PATH": "/cabundle.pem",
                // "API_URL": "http://localhost:8080/",
                // "API_BASIC_AUTH": "",
                "BASE_API_URL": "http://localhost:8081/",
                // "SSO_AUTH_URL": "https://sso.{YOUR_NAME_HERE}.com/as/authorization.oauth2?",
                // "SSO_TOKEN_URL": "https://sso.{YOUR_NAME_HERE}.com/as/token.oauth2?",
                // "SSO_CLIENTID": "",
                // "SSO_CLIENTSECRET": "",
                "MDB_NAME": "{TABLE_NAME}",
                "MDB_URL": "localhost:27017",
                "HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS": "2000",
                "WORKROOT": "${workspaceFolder}/dist"
            "args": []
  1. ask someone for the cabundle.pem file, add it to the root of the
  2. Get and Setup Docker (just get Docker Desktop, it's easiest method)
  3. Using Docker, get Mongo:
    1. PLEASE NOTE: To get this project running and work with the Frontend, you DO NOT need Mongo at all
docker pull mongo
  1. Add these to your .bash_profile, to make using it easier later :)
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
# change vim to your editor of choice (use 'code' for vs code)
alias profile='vim ~/.bash_profile'
alias profileupdate='. ~/.bash_profile'
alias newMongoDB='docker run --name mTest -d -p 27017:27017 mongo'
alias startMongo='docker restart mTest'
alias stopMongo='docker stop mTest'
  1. Initialize/start your mongodb docker container. Then anytime later, use startMongo/stopMongo
  1. Get Studio 3T to easily populate your collections with test data

    • ask for help getting access to DEV collections
  2. Run via Debugger

    • select DEBUG, choose LOCAL, press Play
  3. Go to http://localhost:8081/ in a web browser


Golang backend and React frontend






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