💅 An Electron app boilerplate with React v19, TypeScript v5, Tailwind v4, shadcn/ui, Electron Vite, Biome, GitHub Action releases and more.
- Stands out
- 🔥 Fast and Ready-to-go with a well-thought-out structure
- 🚀 Auto reload for main and Fast Refresh for renderer process
- 🎉 Window/Screen routing included
- 😎 Preload (context bridge) already configured
- 🔮 GitHub Action releases with
binaries - 🔒 Source Code Protection support
- 🍪 Absolute paths support
- Technologies:
- 🔋 Electron
- 🔥 ReactJS v19
- 🌎 React Router DOM v7 and Electron Router DOM v2
- 🧐 React Developer Tools
- 🔍 Code inspector (holding
key on DOM element and clicking on it) - 💙 TypeScript v5
- 📦 Electron Vite
- ✨ TailwindCSS v4
- 🎨 shadcn/ui
- 🍦 lucide-icons
- 💫 Biome / EditorConfig
- 📦 Electron Builder
- 🔮 action-electron-builder
⚠️ If Windows 7 and 8 support is important for your project, you should know that Electron in a version greater than 22x no longer supports it. You can read more about it here. Therefore, you must downgrade Electron to 22x version if it's important for you!
npx degit daltonmenezes/electron-app/template project_name
cd project_name
pnpm install
pnpm dev
Now, look at the package.json file in the root directory, you should update some of that settings with your project branding.
For security reasons, pnpm has the onlyBuiltDependenciesFile property where only dependencies listed in the trusted-dependencies-scripts.json file can perform the postscripts execution. So, if you want to add a new dependency that needs to run a postscript, you should add it to the trusted-dependencies-scripts.json file list.
Note: Check Electron Builder docs for more knowledge
pnpm build
pnpm build --mac
# OR
pnpm build --win
# OR
pnpm build --linux
The builded apps will be available in the dist
Note: contributions are always welcome, but always ask first, — please — before work on a PR.
That said, there's a bunch of ways you can contribute to this project, like by:
- 🪲 Reporting a bug
- 📄 Improving this documentation
- 🚨 Sharing this project and recommending it to your friends
- 💵 Supporting this project on GitHub Sponsors or Patreon
- 🌟 Giving a star on this repository