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Microblog information retrieval system. Implementing an Information Retrieval (IR) system based on a collection of documents (Twitter messages).

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CSI4107 Assignment 1


Group Members

Dmitry Kutin - 300015920 Dilanga Algama - 8253677 Joshua O Erivwo - 8887065

Task Distribution

Dmitry Kutin

  • Step 1, Step 3 (Improvements), Step 5, README.

Dilanga Algama

  • Step 2, Step 3 (Initial Implementation), Step 4.

Joshua O Erivwo

  • Step 3, README.

Setting up


  1. python3 installed and executable.
  2. nltk libaries installed (all of these can be downloaded using python3 -> import nltk ->'corpus | tokenize | stem.porter'):
    • corpus
    • tokenize
    • stem.porter

Note: These will be downloaded and imported by during execution

Project Overview

The assets/ directory contains all the information provided for this assignment:

  • tweet_list.txt - Contains the list of Documents.
  • stop_words.txt - A collection of stopwords, and
  • test_queries.txt - A collection of 49 test queries.
  • Trec_microblog11-qrels.txt - Provided relevance feedback file.

The dist/ directory is where results of the execution are stored.

  • Results.txt - Contains a collection of all 49 test queries, and their corresponding relevant documents, ordered by highest to lowest relevance.

  • trec_eval.txt - Resulting file from Trec Eval execution. This file contains a detailed comparision of Results.txt against Trec_microblog11-qrels.txt.

      Topic_id  Q0  docno              rank  score                  tag   
      1         Q0  30198105513140224  1     0.588467208018523      myRun 
      1         Q0  30260724248870912  2     0.5870127971399565     myRun 
      1         Q0  32229379287289857  3     0.5311552466369023     myRun 


Once all of the prerequesits are met, the program can be ran with: python3

This will generate Results.txt in the dist/ directory in the following format:

	Topic_id  Q0  docno              rank  score                  tag   
	1         Q0  30198105513140224  1     0.588467208018523      myRun 
	1         Q0  30260724248870912  2     0.5870127971399565     myRun 
	1         Q0  32229379287289857  3     0.5311552466369023     myRun


To evaluate the effectiveness of our Microblog retrieval system:

  • Run the script. Running this script will create a txt file called trec_eval.txt which will list the overall performance measures of the code for all the queries as a whole.

  • Run the script to see all the trec_eval measures for each query. Running this script will create a txt file called trec_eval_all_query.txt which will list out all the measures the trec_eval module has to offer for each query that was run through the code.


Our task for this assignment was to implement an Information Retrieval (IR) system for a collection of documents (Twitter messages). A quick recap of what our code does as a whole is as follows:

  1. We import both the data files, one with the test queries and the other with the list of tweets to format the information to a Python code readable manner and to organize the words for our functions to read (we used dictionaries to store the data). This step also runs the words through a stemming and stop word removal process that basically stems all the words and handles the removal of stop words from the list of words.

  2. We create an inverted index dictionary for all the words in each tweet in the list of tweets. During this process we calculate the idf for each word and the tf-idf for the words within the tweets. Which is also add to the dictionary created during this step.

  3. We calculate the idf and tf-idf for the words in the test queries. Once these measures are calculated. We use the measures calculated in step 2 with the query measures we calculated in this step to calculate the lengths of the queries and tweets. Once the lengths of the queries and tweets are calculated we this information to calculate the CosSim for the tweets, to find their similarity score to the query. We order the tweets in a dictionary from highest to lowest similarity score and pass this information to step 4.

  4. We use the data calculated in step 3 to write to a txt file (Results.txt) in the format mentioned in the assignment.

Algorithms, Data Structures, and Optimizations

Our implementation of the information retrieval system was based on the guidelines provided in the assignment. The folder contains five python files containing the function used in implementing the IR system.

Project Specific Files

This file contains the main() function. In the main(), we started by importing the important functions that were used for implementing the IR system. The first step was to import the tweets and the queries from the assert folder. By importing the tweets and queries from the asset folder, step1: preprocessing was being done using the filterSentence that was implemented directly in the import function. After importing the tweets and queries from the text and then filtering them. We then moved to build the inverted index for the tweet. We got the length of the document for the indexes and tweets, which was then used to retrieve the length of the queries from the text file. In the retrieval function, the CosSimalarity scores were calculated and then ranked in descending order. To understand what was happening in the main() function, we created a set of print statements that would notify the user when the preprocessing and the ranking of the document are done. The user then gets informed of the creation of the result file.

This file contains the process of developing step1:Preprocessing and step2:Indexing using python. Below are the functions implemented in the

  • isNumeric(subject): Check if a string contains numerical values
  • importTweets(): imports the tweets from the collection. We first started by opening the text files, then we filter the file using our filterSentence function.
  • importQuery(): imports query from the collection. Same process as the importTweet().
  • filterSentence(sentence): Filters sentences from tweets and queries. This function builds a list of stopwords and then tokenizes each word in the sentences by removing any numerics, punctuation, or stopwords contained in the list. Each imported tweet and query runs through the NLTK's stopword list, our custom stopword list that included the URLs and abbreviations, and the provided stopword list. After this step, each word is tokenized and stemmed with Porter stemmer. Under the additional libraries section, we discussed in-depth the use of tokenization, stopwords, and porter stemmer.
  • buildIndex(documents): builds the inverted index for each entry word in the vocabulary. The data structure used for the implementation was hash maps. In the realms of python development, dictionaries are equivalent to hash maps. We used dictionaries for storing the data that was being processed and used for the documents and queries. We initialized the inverted index and the word_idf as empty dictionaries that would be returned in the end. The next step stored the frequency of each word inside the already filtered documents. The final step calculated the IDF and the TF-IDF for all words contained in a document.
  • lengthOfDocument(index, tweets): calculates the length of documents for each tweet.

This file contains the function for calculating the Cosimilarity values for the set of documents against each queries and then ranks the similarity scores in descending order. Dictionary was used as our main source for storing the values of the query_index, retrieval, and the query_length. The function comprises mainly on for loops. At the start, we first calculated the occurrences of the token in each query. We then moved to calculate the TF-IDF and the length of the query. After getting the necessary calculations needed, we then moved to solving the CosSimalarity values and then ranking the document according to the order that was specified.

This file contains the procedure for implementing step4. The function creates a table for each of the results generated in the and then stores it in the dist folder as a text file.

Additional Libraries

Prettytable (

A helper library to format the output for the Results.txt file. Used in the implementation of the



Porter stemmer was an external resource that was used in the implementation of filterSentence(sentence). It was used for normalizing the data for each token that was created. Stemming helps remove the morphological and inflexional endings from words in the text file.


Stopwords were also used in the preprocessing of the data. Since stopwords are common that generally do not contribute to the meaning of a sentence, we tend to filter them out which can be seen done in the filterSentence(sentence) function.


We Tokenized our data in the filterSentence(sentence) so as to provide a link between queries and documents. Tokens are sequences of alphanumeric characters separated by nonalphanumeric characters, which are performed as part of the preprocessing (step1 requirement).

Final Result Discussion

The following is the evaluation of our system using the trec_eval script by comparing our results (dist/Results.txt) with the expected results from the provided relevance feedback file.

runid                 	all	myRun
num_q                 	all	49
num_ret               	all	39091
num_rel               	all	2640
num_rel_ret           	all	2054
map                   	all	0.1634
gm_map                	all	0.0919
Rprec                 	all	0.1856
bpref                 	all	0.1465
recip_rank            	all	0.3484
iprec_at_recall_0.00  	all	0.4229
iprec_at_recall_0.10  	all	0.3001
iprec_at_recall_0.20  	all	0.2653
iprec_at_recall_0.30  	all	0.2195
iprec_at_recall_0.40  	all	0.2025
iprec_at_recall_0.50  	all	0.1770
iprec_at_recall_0.60  	all	0.1436
iprec_at_recall_0.70  	all	0.1230
iprec_at_recall_0.80  	all	0.1027
iprec_at_recall_0.90  	all	0.0685
iprec_at_recall_1.00  	all	0.0115
P_5                   	all	0.1714
P_10                  	all	0.1796
P_15                  	all	0.1796
P_20                  	all	0.1776
P_30                  	all	0.1714
P_100                 	all	0.1406
P_200                 	all	0.1133
P_500                 	all	0.0713
P_1000                	all	0.0419

From an overall perspective, The result seemed okay, though not as great as we would have hoped. Paying attention to the map, which represents the overall performance of our searching. We got a MAP score of 16.3% and p_10 of 0.17. The map score seemed much better after re-evaluating the We made some optimization to our retrieval and ranking after discovering some anomalies in our calculations for the queries in the inverted index. This optimization must have made the map score slightly increase to the number recorded above. When performing searches manually, it seemed much better and relevant as the numbers begin to make more sense.

Results from Queries 3 and 20

Query 3

 3  Q0  32333726654398464  1   0.69484735460699       myRun 

 3  Q0  32910196598636545  2   0.6734426036041226     myRun 

 3  Q0  35040428893937664  3   0.5424091725376433     myRun 

 3  Q0  35039337598947328  4   0.5424091725376433     myRun 

 3  Q0  29613127372898304  5   0.5233927588038552     myRun 

 3  Q0  29615296666931200  6   0.5054085301107222     myRun 

 3  Q0  32204788955357184  7   0.48949945859699995    myRun 

 3  Q0  33711164877701120  8   0.47740062368197117    myRun 

 3  Q0  33995136060882945  9   0.47209559331399364    myRun 

 3  Q0  31167954573852672  10  0.47209559331399364    myRun 

Query 20

20        Q0  33356942797701120  1     0.8821317020383918     myRun 

20        Q0  34082003779330048  2     0.7311611336720092     myRun 

20        Q0  34066620821282816  3     0.7311611336720092     myRun 

20        Q0  33752688764125184  4     0.7311611336720092     myRun 

20        Q0  33695252271480832  5     0.7311611336720092     myRun 

20        Q0  33580510970126337  6     0.7311611336720092     myRun 

20        Q0  32866366780342272  7     0.7311611336720092     myRun

20        Q0  32269178773708800  8     0.7311611336720092     myRun 

20        Q0  32179898437218304  9     0.7311611336720092     myRun 

20        Q0  31752644565409792  10    0.7311611336720092     myRun 


Our vocabulary size was 88422 tokens

Below is the sample of 100 tokens from our vocabulary:

['bbc', 'world', 'servic', 'staff', 'cut', 'fifa', 'soccer', 'haiti', 'aristid', 'return', 'mexico', 'drug', 'war', 'diplomat', 'arrest', 'murder', 'phone', 'hack', 'british', 'politician', 'toyota', 'reca', 'egyptian', 'protest', 'attack', 'museumkubica', 'crash', 'assang', 'nobel', 'peac', 'nomin', 'oprah', 'winfrey', 'half-sist', 'known', 'unknown', 'white', 'stripe', 'breakup', 'william', 'kate', 'fax', 'save-the-da', 'cuomo', 'budget', 'super', 'bowl', 'seat', 'tsa', 'airport', 'screen', 'unemploymen', 'reduc', 'energi', 'consumpt', 'detroit', 'auto', 'global', 'warm', 'weather', 'keith', 'olbermann', 'job', 'special', 'athlet', 'state', 'union', 'dog', 'whisper', 'cesar', 'millan', "'s", 'techniqu', 'msnbc', 'rachel', 'maddow', 'sargent', 'shriver', 'tribut', 'moscow', 'bomb', 'gifford', 'recoveri', 'jordan', 'curfew', 'beck', 'piven', 'obama', 'birth', 'certifica', 'campaign', 'social', 'media', 'veneta', 'organ', 'farm', 'requir', 'evacu', 'carbon', 'monoxid']


Microblog information retrieval system. Implementing an Information Retrieval (IR) system based on a collection of documents (Twitter messages).







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