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dalek-driver-phantomjs - Browser/WebDriver process control

Browser Driver for PhantomJS using GhostDriver providing an API to control the Browser/WebDriver process.

Build Status

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Dependency Status

devDependency Status

Browser / Driver Documentation

API Documentation

var Driver = require('dalek-driver-phantomjs');
var driver = new Driver({
  // path to binary
  // default: provided by phantomjs
  "binary": "/path/to/browser-executable",
  // make the WebDriver instance listen on interface
  // default: ""
  "host": "",
  // make the WebDriver instance listen on a port between 1111 and 2222
  // default: [2048, 4096]
  "portRange": [1111, 2222],
  // CLI parameters passed to PhantomJS at startup
  // default: (--webdriver=<host:port> --ignore-ssl-errors=true)
  "args": [
    // see

function success(data) {
  console.log("Started browser, WebDriver available at", data.wd);

// callback invoked when the process could not be started
function error(err) {
  console.log("Could not start Browser", err);

// callback invoked when the process crashed
function failure(err) {
  console.log("Browser crashed!", err);

// fire up the browser and WebDriver service
driver.start(success, error, failure);

// gracefully stop the browser
driver.stop(function() {

// force kill the process (in case stop() doesn't work)

a full integration using WD.js could look like

var WD = require('wd');
var Driver = require('dalek-driver-phantomjs');

var wd = wd.promiseChainRemote();
var driver = new Driver({
  name: 'Phantom',
  args: [

driver.start(function(options) {
  // initialize WD client from configuration options
  // provided by the browser driver
  wd.remote(options.wd).then(function() {
    // some fun with WebDriver
}, console.log.bind(console));

// stop WD client, then service and browser
wd.quit().then(function() {