A project to display images from https://unsplash.com API using Jetpack Compose
- Jetpack Compose
- Compose Coil
- MVI Architecture
- Kotlin Coroutines with Flow
- Dagger Hilt
- Kotlin Gradle DSL
- Paging
- Compose Blurhash
- Jetpack Compose - Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI.
- Compose Coil - An image loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
- View Model - Presenter for persisting view state across config changes
- Retrofit - type safe http client and supports coroutines out of the box.
- Moshi - JSON Parser,used to parse requests from the API
- kotlinx.coroutines - Library Support for coroutines
- Paging - The Paging Library
makes it easier for you to load data gradually and gracefully within your app
- Compose Blurhash - is a library that has blurred effect until the actual image gets downloaded from the web.
- To successfully make API calls to Unsplash Endpoint, use a valid API Token from Unsplash.
- Enter your valid API token here