From 93d5086d634b96b4a962f3653702d0b8f0fdadd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Ajitomi, Daisuke" Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 16:57:26 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] Initial commit. --- .pre-commit-config.yaml | 36 +++++ CHANGES.rst | 0 | 46 +++++++ | 8 ++ | 118 +++++++++++++++- cwt/ | 31 +++++ cwt/ | 49 +++++++ cwt/ | 32 +++++ cwt/ | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++ cwt/ | 82 +++++++++++ cwt/ | 130 ++++++++++++++++++ cwt/ | 22 +++ cwt/ | 108 +++++++++++++++ cwt/key_types/ | 0 cwt/key_types/ | 140 +++++++++++++++++++ cwt/key_types/ | 102 ++++++++++++++ cwt/key_types/ | 0 cwt/key_types/ | 158 ++++++++++++++++++++++ cwt/ | 28 ++++ setup.cfg | 66 +++++++++ | 3 + tests/ | 269 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tox.ini | 77 +++++++++++ 23 files changed, 1651 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .pre-commit-config.yaml create mode 100644 CHANGES.rst create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 cwt/key_types/ create mode 100644 cwt/key_types/ create mode 100644 cwt/key_types/ create mode 100644 cwt/key_types/ create mode 100644 cwt/key_types/ create mode 100644 cwt/ create mode 100644 setup.cfg create mode 100644 create mode 100644 tests/ create mode 100644 tox.ini diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f10517e --- /dev/null +++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +repos: + - repo: + rev: 20.8b1 + hooks: + - id: black + args: ["--target-version=py36"] + + - repo: + rev: v1.10.0 + hooks: + - id: blacken-docs + args: ["--target-version=py36"] + + - repo: + rev: 3.9.0 + hooks: + - id: flake8 + language_version: python3.8 + + - repo: + rev: 5.8.0 + hooks: + - id: isort + + - repo: + rev: v3.4.0 + hooks: + - id: trailing-whitespace + - id: end-of-file-fixer + - id: debug-statements + + - repo: + rev: "0.46" + hooks: + - id: check-manifest + args: [--no-build-isolation] diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c87f320 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [][version] + +[homepage]: +[version]: diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25fc566 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +include CHANGES.rst +include LICENSE +include tox.ini +graft docs +prune docs/_build +graft tests +global-exclude *.py[co] +recursive-exclude * __pycache__ diff --git a/ b/ index 6e78cde..96ce944 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,2 +1,116 @@ -# python-cwt -A Python implementation of CWT/COSE. +# Python CWT + +A Python (>= 3.6) implementation of CBOR Web Token (CWT) and CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) compliant with: +- [RFC8392: CBOR Web Token (CWT)]( +- [RFC8152: CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE)]( + +## Installing + +Install with pip after cloning this repository. + +``` +pip install . +``` + +## Usase + +Python CWT is easy to use. +If you already know about [JSON Web Token (JWT)](, +little knowledge of [CBOR](, [COSE]( +and [CWT]( is required to use this library. + +Followings are basic examples which create CWT, verify and decode it: + +- [MACed CWT](#maced-cwt) +- [Signed CWT](#signed-cwt) +- [Encrypted CWT](#encrypted-cwt) +- [Nested CWT](#nested-cwt) + +### MACed CWT + +Create a MACed CWT, verify and decode it as follows: + +```py +import cwt +from cwt import cose_key, claims + +key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword") # "HMAC256/256" is the default algorithm. +encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac(claims.from_json({"iss":"https://as.example", "sub":"dajiaji", "cti":"123"}), key) +decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key) +``` + +CBOR-like structure (Dict[int, Any]) can be used as follows: + +```py +import cwt + +key = cwt.cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword") +encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac({1:"https://as.example", 2:"dajiaji", 7:b"123"}, key) +decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key) +``` + +### Signed CWT + +Create an ECDSA (with SHA-256) key pair: + +```sh +$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private_key.pem +$ openssl ec -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem +``` + +Create a Signed CWT, verify and decode it with the key pair as follows: + +```py +import cwt +from cwt import cose_key, claims + +# Load PEM-formatted keys as COSE keys. +with open("./private_key.pem") as key_file: + private_key = cose_key.from_pem( +with open("./public_key.pem") as key_file: + public_key = cose_key.from_pem( + +# Encode with ES256 signing. +encoded = cwt.encode_and_sign( + claims.from_json({"iss":"https://as.example", "sub":"dajiaji", "cti":"123"}), private_key) + +# Verify and decode. +decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, public_key) +``` + +### Encrypted CWT + +Create an Ed25519 key pair: + +```sh +$ openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out private_key.pem +$ openssl pkey -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem +``` + +Create an Encrypted CWT, verify and decode it with the key pair as follows: + +```py +import cwt +from cwt import cose_key, claims + +# Load PEM-formatted keys as COSE keys. +with open("./private_key.pem") as key_file: + private_key = cose_key.from_pem( +with open("./public_key.pem") as key_file: + public_key = cose_key.from_pem( + +# Encode with ES256 encryption. +encoded = cwt.encode_and_encrypt( + claims.from_json({"iss":"https://as.example", "sub":"dajiaji", "cti":"123"}), private_key) + +# Verify and decode. +decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, public_key) +``` + +## Tests + +You can run tests from the project root after cloning with: + +```sh +$ tox +``` diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48ca78a --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +from .claims import Claims, claims +from .cose import COSE +from .cwt import CWT, decode, encode_and_encrypt, encode_and_mac, encode_and_sign +from .exceptions import PyCWTDecodeError, PyCWTEncodeError, PyCWTError +from .key_builder import KeyBuilder, cose_key + +__version__ = "0.1.0" +__title__ = "Python CWT" +__description__ = "A Python implementation of CWT/COSE" +__url__ = "" +__uri__ = __url__ +__doc__ = __description__ + " <" + __uri__ + ">" +__author__ = "AJITOMI Daisuke" +__email__ = "" +__license__ = "MIT" +__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021 AJITOMI Daisuke" +__all__ = [ + "CWT", + "encode_and_mac", + "encode_and_sign", + "encode_and_encrypt", + "decode", + "COSE", + "KeyBuilder", + "cose_key", + "Claims", + "claims", + "PyCWTError", + "PyCWTEncodeError", + "PyCWTDecodeError", +] diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d5f615 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +import json +from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union + + +class Claims: + """""" + + REGISTERED_NAMES = { + "iss": 1, # text string + "sub": 2, # text string + "aud": 3, # text string + "exp": 4, # integer or floating-point number + "nbf": 5, # integer or floating-point number + "iat": 6, # integer or floating-point number + "cti": 7, # byte string + } + + def __init__(self, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): + """""" + self._options = options + return + + def from_json(self, claims: Union[str, bytes, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[int, Any]: + """""" + json_claims: Dict[str, Any] + if isinstance(claims, str) or isinstance(claims, bytes): + json_claims = json.loads(claims) + else: + json_claims = claims + + for k in json_claims: + if not isinstance(k, int): + break + ValueError("It is already CBOR-like format.") + + # Convert JSON to CBOR (Convert the type of key from str to int). + cbor_claims = {} + for k, v in json_claims.items(): + if k not in Claims.REGISTERED_NAMES: + # TODO Support additional arguments. + continue + cbor_claims[Claims.REGISTERED_NAMES[k]] = v + if 7 in cbor_claims and isinstance(cbor_claims[7], str): + cbor_claims[7] = cbor_claims[7].encode("utf-8") + return cbor_claims + + +# export +claims = Claims() diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23d4305 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +COSE_KEY_TYPES = { + "OKP": 1, # OCtet Key Pair + "EC2": 2, # Elliptic Curve Keys w/ x- and y-coordinate pair + "RSA": 3, # RSA Key + "Symmetric": 4, # Symmetric Keys + "HSS-LMS": 5, # Public key for HSS/LMS hash-based digital signature + "WalnutDSA": 6, # WalnutDSA public key +} + +# COSE Algorithms for Content Encryption Key (CEK). +COSE_ALGORITHMS_CEK = { + "A128GCM": 1, # AES-GCM mode w/ 128-bit key, 128-bit tag + "A192GCM": 2, # AES-GCM mode w/ 192-bit key, 128-bit tag + "A256GCM": 3, # AES-GCM mode w/ 256-bit key, 128-bit tag + # etc. +} + +# COSE Algorithms for MAC. +COSE_ALGORITHMS_MAC = { + "HMAC256/64": 4, # HMAC w/ SHA-256 truncated to 64 bits + "HMAC256/256": 5, # HMAC w/ SHA-256 + "HMAC384/384": 6, # HMAC w/ SHA-384 + "HMAC512/512": 7, # HMAC w/ SHA-512 + "AES-MAC128/64": 14, # AES-MAC 128-bit key, 64-bit tag + "AES-MAC256/64": 15, # AES-MAC 256-bit key, 64-bit tag + "AES-MAC128/128": 25, # AES-MAC 128-bit key, 128-bit tag + "AES-MAC256/128": 26, # AES-MAC 256-bit key, 128-bit tag + # etc. +} + +# COSE Algorithms for Symmetric Keys. +COSE_ALGORITHMS_SYMMETRIC = dict(COSE_ALGORITHMS_MAC, **COSE_ALGORITHMS_CEK) diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..393dfb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union + +from cbor2 import CBORTag, dumps, loads + +from .cose_key import COSEKey +from .exceptions import InvalidSignature + + +class COSE: + """ + A COSE (CBOR Object Signing and Encryption) Implementaion. + """ + + def __init__(self, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): + self._options = options + + def encode_and_mac( + self, + protected: Dict[int, Any], + unprotected: Dict[int, Any], + payload: Union[Dict[int, Any], bytes], + key: COSEKey, + out: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> Union[bytes, CBORTag]: + + b_protected = dumps(protected) + b_payload = dumps(payload) + mac_structure = ["MAC0", b_protected, b"", b_payload] + tag = key.sign(dumps(mac_structure)) + res = CBORTag(17, [b_protected, unprotected, b_payload, tag]) + return res if out == "cbor2/CBORTag" else dumps(res) + + def encode_and_sign( + self, + protected: Dict[int, Any], + unprotected: Dict[int, Any], + payload: Union[Dict[int, Any], bytes], + key: Union[COSEKey, List[COSEKey]], + out: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> Union[bytes, CBORTag]: + + ctx = "Signature" if not isinstance(key, COSEKey) else "Signature1" + if isinstance(key, COSEKey): + protected[1] = key.alg + unprotected[4] = key.kid if key.kid else {} + + b_protected = dumps(protected) if protected else b"" + b_payload = dumps(payload) + + # Signature1 + if isinstance(key, COSEKey): + sig_structure = [ctx, b_protected, b"", b_payload] + sig = key.sign(dumps(sig_structure)) + res = CBORTag(18, [b_protected, unprotected, b_payload, sig]) + return res if out == "cbor2/CBORTag" else dumps(res) + + # Signature + sigs = [] + for k in key: + p_header = dumps({1: k.alg}) + u_header = dumps({4: k.kid} if k.kid else {}) + sig_structure = [ctx, b_protected, p_header, b"", b_payload] + sig = k.sign(dumps(sig_structure)) + sigs.append(dumps([p_header, u_header, sig])) + res = CBORTag(18, [b_protected, unprotected, b_payload, sigs]) + return res if out == "cbor2/CBORTag" else dumps(res) + + def encode_and_encrypt( + self, + protected: Dict[int, Any], + unprotected: Dict[int, Any], + payload: Union[Dict[int, Any], bytes], + key: COSEKey, + nonce: bytes = b"", + out: str = "", + ) -> bytes: + + b_protected = dumps(protected) + b_payload = dumps(payload) + aad = dumps(["Encrypt0", b_protected, b""]) + ciphertext = key.encrypt(b_payload, nonce, aad) + res = CBORTag(16, [b_protected, unprotected, ciphertext]) + return res if out == "cbor2/CBORTag" else dumps(res) + + def decode(self, data: Union[bytes, CBORTag], key: COSEKey) -> Dict[int, Any]: + + if isinstance(data, bytes): + data = loads(data) + if not isinstance(data, CBORTag): + raise ValueError("Invalid COSE format.") + + # Encrypt0 + if data.tag == 16: + if not isinstance(data.value, list) or len(data.value) != 3: + raise ValueError("Invalid Encrypt0 format.") + + aad = dumps(["Encrypt0", data.value[0], b""]) + unprotected = data.value[1] + if not isinstance(unprotected, dict): + raise ValueError("unprotected header should be dict.") + nonce = unprotected.get(5, None) + payload = key.decrypt(data.value[2], nonce, aad) + return loads(payload) + + # Encrypt + if data.tag == 96: + raise NotImplementedError() + + # MAC0 + if data.tag == 17: + if not isinstance(data.value, list) or len(data.value) != 4: + raise ValueError("Invalid MAP0 format.") + + msg = dumps(["MAC0", data.value[0], b"", data.value[2]]) + try: + key.verify(msg, data.value[3]) + except InvalidSignature: + raise + return loads(data.value[2]) + + # MAC + if data.tag == 97: + raise NotImplementedError() + + # Signature1 + if data.tag == 18: + if not isinstance(data.value, list) or len(data.value) != 4: + raise ValueError("Invalid Signature1 format.") + + msg = dumps(["Signature1", data.value[0], b"", data.value[2]]) + try: + key.verify(msg, data.value[3]) + except InvalidSignature: + raise + return loads(data.value[2]) + + # Signature + if data.tag == 98: + if not isinstance(data.value, list) or len(data.value) != 4: + raise ValueError("Invalid Signature format.") + sigs = data.value[3] + if not isinstance(sigs, list): + raise ValueError("Invalid Signature format.") + + msg = dumps(["Signature", data.value[0], b"", data.value[2]]) + raise NotImplementedError() + + raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown tag: %d" % data.tag) diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8216f62 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +from typing import Any, Dict + +from .const import COSE_KEY_TYPES + + +class COSEKey: + """ + The interface class for a COSE Key used for mac, signing/verifying and encryption/decryption. + """ + + def __init__(self, cose_key: Dict[int, Any]): + # Validate COSE Key common parameters. + if 1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("kty(1) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[1], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[1], str): + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be int or str(tstr).") + try: + self._kty: int = ( + cose_key[1] + if isinstance(cose_key[1], int) + else COSE_KEY_TYPES[cose_key[1]] + ) + except ValueError: + raise ValueError(f"Unknown kty: {cose_key[1]}") + if 2 in cose_key and not isinstance(cose_key[2], bytes): + raise ValueError("kid(2) should be bytes(bstr).") + if 3 in cose_key and ( + not isinstance(cose_key[3], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[3], str) + ): + raise ValueError("alg(3) should be int str(tstr).") + if 4 in cose_key and not isinstance(cose_key[4], list): + raise ValueError("key_ops(4) should be list.") + if 5 in cose_key and not isinstance(cose_key[5], bytes): + raise ValueError("Base IV(5) should be bytes(bstr).") + self._object = cose_key + return + + @property + def kty(self) -> int: + return self._kty + + @property + def kid(self) -> bytes: + return self._object.get(2, None) + + @property + def alg(self) -> int: + return self._object.get(3, None) + + @property + def key_ops(self) -> list: + return self._object.get(4, None) + + @property + def base_iv(self) -> bytes: + return self._object.get(5, None) + + def sign(self, msg: bytes) -> bytes: + """ + Returns a digital signature for the specified message + using the specified key value. + """ + raise NotImplementedError + + def verify(self, msg: bytes, sig: bytes): + """ + Verifies that the specified digital signature is valid + for the specified message. + """ + raise NotImplementedError + + def encrypt(self, msg: bytes, nonce: bytes, aad: bytes) -> bytes: + """ + Encrypts the specified message. + """ + raise NotImplementedError + + def decrypt(self, msg: bytes, nonce: bytes, aad: bytes) -> bytes: + """ + Decrypts the specified message. + """ + raise NotImplementedError diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a6d9fd --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union + +from cbor2 import CBORTag, dumps, loads + +from .cose import COSE +from .cose_key import COSEKey + + +class CWT: + """ + A CWT (CBOR Web Token) Implementaion. + """ + + CBOR_TAG = 61 + + def __init__(self, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): + self._cose = COSE(options) + + def encode_and_mac( + self, + claims: Union[Dict[int, Any], bytes], + key: COSEKey, + iv: Optional[str] = None, + partial_iv: Optional[str] = None, + tagged: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> bytes: + """ + Encode CWT claims and add MAC to it. + """ + self._validate(claims) + protected: Dict[int, Any] = {1: key.alg} + unprotected: Dict[int, Any] = {4: key.kid} if key.kid else {} + res = self._cose.encode_and_mac( + protected, unprotected, claims, key, out="cbor2/CBORTag" + ) + if tagged: + return dumps(CBORTag(CWT.CBOR_TAG, res)) + return dumps(res) + + def encode_and_sign( + self, + claims: Union[Dict[int, Any], bytes], + key: Union[COSEKey, List[COSEKey]], + tagged: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> bytes: + """ + Encode CWT claims and sign it. + """ + self._validate(claims) + protected: Dict[int, Any] = {} + unprotected: Dict[int, Any] = {} + res = self._cose.encode_and_sign( + protected, unprotected, claims, key, out="cbor2/CBORTag" + ) + if tagged: + return dumps(CBORTag(CWT.CBOR_TAG, res)) + return dumps(res) + + def encode_and_encrypt( + self, + claims: Union[Dict[int, Any], bytes], + key: COSEKey, + nonce: bytes, + tagged: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> bytes: + """ + Encode CWT claims and encrypt it. + """ + self._validate(claims) + protected: Dict[int, Any] = {1: key.alg} + unprotected: Dict[int, Any] = {4: key.kid} if key.kid else {} + if nonce: + unprotected[5] = nonce + res = self._cose.encode_and_encrypt( + protected, unprotected, claims, key, nonce, out="cbor2/CBORTag" + ) + if tagged: + return dumps(CBORTag(CWT.CBOR_TAG, res)) + return dumps(res) + + def decode(self, data: bytes, key: Union[COSEKey, List[COSEKey]]) -> bytes: + """ + Verify and decode CWT. + """ + cwt = loads(data) + if isinstance(cwt, CBORTag) and cwt.tag == CWT.CBOR_TAG: + cwt = cwt.value + keys: List[COSEKey] = [key] if isinstance(key, COSEKey) else key + for k in keys: + cwt = self._cose.decode(cwt, k) + return cwt + + def _validate(self, claims: Union[Dict[int, Any], bytes]): + """""" + if isinstance(claims, bytes): + nested = loads(claims) + if not isinstance(nested, CBORTag): + raise ValueError("bytes-formatted claims need CBOR(COSE) Tag.") + if nested.tag not in [16, 96, 17, 97, 18, 98]: + raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown CBOR tag.") + return + if 1 in claims and not isinstance(claims[1], str): + raise ValueError("iss(1) should be str.") + if 2 in claims and not isinstance(claims[2], str): + raise ValueError("sub(2) should be str.") + if 3 in claims and not isinstance(claims[3], str): + raise ValueError("aud(3) should be str.") + if 4 in claims and not ( + isinstance(claims[4], int) or isinstance(claims[4], float) + ): + raise ValueError("exp(4) should be int or float.") + if 5 in claims and not ( + isinstance(claims[5], int) or isinstance(claims[5], float) + ): + raise ValueError("nbf(5) should be int or float.") + if 6 in claims and not ( + isinstance(claims[6], int) or isinstance(claims[6], float) + ): + raise ValueError("iat(6) should be int or float.") + if 7 in claims and not isinstance(claims[7], bytes): + raise ValueError("cti(7) should be bytes.") + return + + +# export +_cwt = CWT() +encode_and_mac = _cwt.encode_and_mac +encode_and_sign = _cwt.encode_and_sign +encode_and_encrypt = _cwt.encode_and_encrypt +decode = _cwt.decode diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6987646 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +class PyCWTError(Exception): + """""" + + pass + + +class InvalidSignature(PyCWTError): + """""" + + pass + + +class PyCWTEncodeError(PyCWTError): + """""" + + pass + + +class PyCWTDecodeError(PyCWTError): + """""" + + pass diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..506ae0f --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +import json +from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union + +import cbor2 + +from .const import COSE_ALGORITHMS_SYMMETRIC +from .cose_key import COSEKey +from .key_types.ec2 import EC2Key +from .key_types.okp import OKPKey +from .key_types.symmetric import AESCCMKey, HMACKey + + +class KeyBuilder: + """""" + + COSE_KEY_COMMON_PARAMS = { + "kty": 1, # tstr / int + "kid": 2, # bstr + "alg": 3, # tstr / int + "key_ops": 4, # [+ (tstr / int)] + "base_iv": 5, # bstr + # * label => values + } + + COSE_KEY_OPERATION_VALUES = { + "sign": 1, + "verify": 2, + "encrypt": 3, + "decrypt": 4, + "wrap_key": 5, + "unwrap_key": 6, + "derive_key": 7, + "derive_bits": 8, + "MAC_create": 9, + "MAC_verify": 10, + } + + def __init__(self, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): + """""" + self._options = options + return + + def from_symmetric_key( + self, key: Union[bytes, str], alg: str = "HMAC256/256" + ) -> COSEKey: + """""" + if isinstance(key, str): + key = key.encode("utf-8") + alg_id = COSE_ALGORITHMS_SYMMETRIC.get(alg, None) + if not alg_id: + raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown alg: %s" % alg) + + cose_key = { + 1: 4, # kty: 'Symmetric' + 3: alg_id, # alg: int + -1: key, # k: bstr + } + if alg_id in [4, 5, 6, 7]: + return HMACKey(cose_key) + if alg_id in [10, 11, 12, 13, 30, 31, 32, 33]: + return AESCCMKey(cose_key) + raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown alg(3): %d" % alg_id) + + def from_dict(self, cose_key: Dict[int, Any]) -> COSEKey: + """""" + + # Validate COSE Key common parameters. + if 1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("kty(1) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[1], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[1], str): + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be int or str(tstr).") + if cose_key[1] == 1: + return OKPKey(cose_key) + if cose_key[1] == 2: + return EC2Key(cose_key) + if cose_key[1] == 4: + if 3 not in cose_key or ( + not isinstance(cose_key[3], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[3], str) + ): + raise ValueError("alg(3) should be int str(tstr).") + if cose_key[3] in [4, 5, 6, 7]: + return HMACKey(cose_key) + if cose_key[3] in [10, 11, 12, 13, 30, 31, 32, 33]: + return AESCCMKey(cose_key) + raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown alg(3): {cose_key[3]}") + raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown kty(1): {cose_key[1]}") + + def from_bytes(self, key_data: bytes) -> COSEKey: + """""" + cose_key = cbor2.loads(key_data) + return self.from_dict(cose_key) + + def from_jwk(self, jwk: Union[str, bytes, Dict[str, Any]]) -> COSEKey: + """""" + cose_key: Dict[int, Any] = {} + if not isinstance(jwk, dict): + jwk = json.loads(jwk) + # TODO: from JWT to COSE key. + return self.from_dict(cose_key) + + def from_pem(self, key_data: bytes) -> COSEKey: + """""" + cose_key = cbor2.loads(key_data) + return self.from_dict(cose_key) + + +# export +cose_key = KeyBuilder() diff --git a/cwt/key_types/ b/cwt/key_types/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/cwt/key_types/ b/cwt/key_types/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b06926 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/key_types/ @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +from typing import Any, Dict + +import cryptography +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import ( + decode_dss_signature, + encode_dss_signature, +) + +from ..cose_key import COSEKey +from ..exceptions import InvalidSignature +from ..utils import i2osp, os2ip + + +class EC2Key(COSEKey): + """""" + + def __init__(self, cose_key: Dict[int, Any]): + """""" + super().__init__(cose_key) + self._public_key: Any = None + self._private_key: Any = None + self._hash_alg: Any = None + + # Validate kty. + if 1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("kty(1) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[1], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[1], str): + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be int or str(tstr).") + if cose_key[1] != 2: + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be EC2(2).") + + # Validate x and y. + if -2 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("x(-2) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[-2], bytes): + raise ValueError("x(-2) should be bytes(bstr).") + if -3 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("y(-3) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[-3], bytes): + raise ValueError("y(-3) should be bytes(bstr).") + x = cose_key[-2] + y = cose_key[-3] + + # Validate crv. + if -1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("crv(-1) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[-1], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[-1], str): + raise ValueError("crv(-1) should be int or str(tstr).") + crv = cose_key[-1] + crv_obj: Any + if crv == 1: # P-256 + if len(x) == len(y) == 32: + crv_obj = ec.SECP256R1() + self._hash_alg = hashes.SHA256 + else: + raise ValueError("Coords should be 32 bytes for crv P-256") + elif crv == 2: # P-384 + if len(x) == len(y) == 48: + crv_obj = ec.SECP384R1() + self._hash_alg = hashes.SHA384 + else: + raise ValueError("Coords should be 48 bytes for crv P-384") + elif crv == 3: # P-521 + if len(x) == len(y) == 66: + crv_obj = ec.SECP521R1() + self._hash_alg = hashes.SHA512 + else: + raise ValueError("Coords should be 66 bytes for crv P-521") + elif crv == 8: # secp256k1 + if len(x) == len(y) == 32: + crv_obj = ec.SECP256K1() + self._hash_alg = hashes.SHA256 + else: + raise ValueError("Coords should be 32 bytes for crv secp256k1") + else: + raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown crv: {crv}") + + public_numbers = ec.EllipticCurvePublicNumbers( + x=int.from_bytes(x, byteorder="big"), + y=int.from_bytes(y, byteorder="big"), + curve=crv_obj, + ) + + # Validate d. + if -4 not in cose_key: + self._public_key = public_numbers.public_key() + return + + if not isinstance(cose_key[-4], bytes): + raise ValueError("d(-4) should be bytes(bstr).") + d = cose_key[-4] + if len(d) != len(x): + raise ValueError("d(-4) should be {} bytes for curve {}", len(x), crv) + self._private_key = ec.EllipticCurvePrivateNumbers( + int.from_bytes(d, byteorder="big"), public_numbers + ).private_key() + return + + def sign(self, msg: bytes) -> bytes: + """""" + try: + if self._public_key: + raise ValueError("Public key cannot be used for signing.") + sig = self._private_key.sign(msg, ec.ECDSA(self._hash_alg())) + return self._der_to_os(self._private_key.curve.key_size, sig) + except ValueError as err: + raise InvalidSignature("Failed to sign.") from err + + def verify(self, msg: bytes, sig: bytes): + """""" + try: + if self._private_key: + der_sig = self._os_to_der(self._private_key.curve.key_size, sig) + self._private_key.public_key().verify( + der_sig, msg, ec.ECDSA(self._hash_alg()) + ) + else: + der_sig = self._os_to_der(self._public_key.curve.key_size, sig) + self._public_key.verify(der_sig, msg, ec.ECDSA(self._hash_alg())) + except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature as err: + raise InvalidSignature("Failed to verify.") from err + except ValueError as err: + raise InvalidSignature("Invalid signature.") from err + + def _der_to_os(self, key_size: int, sig: bytes) -> bytes: + """""" + num_bytes = (key_size + 7) // 8 + r, s = decode_dss_signature(sig) + return i2osp(r, num_bytes) + i2osp(s, num_bytes) + + def _os_to_der(self, key_size: int, sig: bytes) -> bytes: + """""" + num_bytes = (key_size + 7) // 8 + if len(sig) != 2 * num_bytes: + raise ValueError("Invalid signature.") + r = os2ip(sig[:num_bytes]) + s = os2ip(sig[num_bytes:]) + return encode_dss_signature(r, s) diff --git a/cwt/key_types/ b/cwt/key_types/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94f3146 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/key_types/ @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +from typing import Any, Dict + +import cryptography +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448 import ( + Ed448PrivateKey, + Ed448PublicKey, +) +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import ( + Ed25519PrivateKey, + Ed25519PublicKey, +) +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448 import X448PrivateKey, X448PublicKey +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import ( + X25519PrivateKey, + X25519PublicKey, +) + +from ..cose_key import COSEKey +from ..exceptions import InvalidSignature + + +class OKPKey(COSEKey): + """""" + + def __init__(self, cose_key: Dict[int, Any]): + """""" + super().__init__(cose_key) + self._public_key: Any = None + self._private_key: Any = None + + # Validate kty. + if 1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("kty(1) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[1], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[1], str): + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be int or str(tstr).") + if cose_key[1] != 1: + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be OKP(1).") + + # Validate x and y. + if -2 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("x(-2) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[-2], bytes): + raise ValueError("x(-2) should be bytes(bstr).") + x = cose_key[-2] + + # Validate crv. + if -1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("crv(-1) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[-1], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[-1], str): + raise ValueError("crv(-1) should be int or str(tstr).") + crv = cose_key[-1] + + try: + if -4 not in cose_key: + if crv == 4: # X25519 + self._public_key = X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(x) + elif crv == 5: # X448 + self._public_key = X448PublicKey.from_public_bytes(x) + elif crv == 6: # Ed25519 + self._public_key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(x) + elif crv == 7: # Ed448 + self._public_key = Ed448PublicKey.from_public_bytes(x) + else: + raise ValueError(f"Unknown curve: {crv}") + return + if not isinstance(cose_key[-4], bytes): + raise ValueError("d(-4) should be bytes(bstr).") + d = cose_key[-4] + if crv == 4: # X25519 + self._private_key = X25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(d) + elif crv == 5: # X448 + self._private_key = X448PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(d) + elif crv == 6: # Ed25519 + self._private_key = Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(d) + elif crv == 7: # Ed448 + self._private_key = Ed448PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(d) + else: + raise ValueError(f"Unknown curve: {crv}") + + except ValueError as err: + raise ValueError("Invalid key parameter") from err + return + + def sign(self, msg: bytes) -> bytes: + """""" + try: + if self._public_key: + raise ValueError("Public key cannot be used for signing.") + return self._private_key.sign(msg) + except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature as err: + raise InvalidSignature("Failed to verify.") from err + + def verify(self, msg: bytes, sig: bytes) -> bool: + """""" + try: + if self._private_key: + self._private_key.public_key().verify(sig, msg) + else: + self._public_key.verify(sig, msg) + return True + except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature: + return False diff --git a/cwt/key_types/ b/cwt/key_types/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/cwt/key_types/ b/cwt/key_types/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be1bbaa --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/key_types/ @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +import hashlib +import hmac +from typing import Any, Dict + +from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESCCM + +from ..cose_key import COSEKey + + +class SymmetricKey(COSEKey): + """""" + + def __init__(self, cose_key: Dict[int, Any]): + """""" + super().__init__(cose_key) + + self._key: bytes = b"" + + # Validate kty. + if 1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("kty(1) not found.") + if not isinstance(cose_key[1], int) and not isinstance(cose_key[1], str): + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be int or str(tstr).") + if cose_key[1] != 4: + raise ValueError("kty(1) should be Symmetric(4).") + + # Validate k. + if -1 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("k(-1) not found.") + if -1 in cose_key and not isinstance(cose_key[-1], bytes): + raise ValueError("k(-1) should be bytes(bstr).") + self._key = cose_key[-1] + + if 3 not in cose_key: + raise ValueError("alg(3) not found.") + self._alg = cose_key[3] + + +class HMACKey(SymmetricKey): + """""" + + def __init__(self, cose_key: Dict[int, Any]): + """""" + super().__init__(cose_key) + + self._hash_alg = None + self._trunc = 0 + + # Validate alg. + if self._alg == 4: # HMAC256/64 + self._hash_alg = hashlib.sha256 + self._trunc = 8 + elif self._alg == 5: # HMAC256/256 + self._hash_alg = hashlib.sha256 + self._trunc = 32 + elif self._alg == 6: # HMAC384/384 + self._hash_alg = hashlib.sha384 + self._trunc = 48 + elif self._alg == 7: # HMAC512/512 + self._hash_alg = hashlib.sha512 + self._trunc = 64 + else: + raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown alg: %s" % self._alg) + + def sign(self, msg: bytes) -> bytes: + """""" + return, msg, self._hash_alg).digest()[0 : self._trunc] + + def verify(self, msg: bytes, sig: bytes) -> bool: + """""" + return hmac.compare_digest(sig, self.sign(msg)) + + +class AESCCMKey(SymmetricKey): + """""" + + def __init__(self, cose_key: Dict[int, Any]): + """""" + super().__init__(cose_key) + + self._cipher: AESCCM + self._nonce_len = 0 + + # Validate alg. + if self._alg == 10: # AES-CCM-16-64-128 + if len(self._key) != 16: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-16-64-128 key should be 16 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key, tag_length=8) + self._nonce_len = 13 + elif self._alg == 11: # AES-CCM-16-64-256 + if len(self._key) != 32: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-16-64-256 key should be 32 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key, tag_length=8) + self._nonce_len = 13 + elif self._alg == 12: # AES-CCM-64-64-128 + if len(self._key) != 16: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-64-64-128 key should be 16 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key, tag_length=8) + self._nonce_len = 7 + elif self._alg == 13: # AES-CCM-64-64-256 + if len(self._key) != 32: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-64-64-256 key should be 32 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key, tag_length=8) + self._nonce_len = 7 + elif self._alg == 30: # AES-CCM-16-128-128 + if len(self._key) != 16: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-16-128-128 key should be 16 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key) + self._nonce_len = 13 + elif self._alg == 31: # AES-CCM-16-128-256 + if len(self._key) != 32: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-16-128-256 key should be 32 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key) + self._nonce_len = 13 + elif self._alg == 32: # AES-CCM-64-128-128 + if len(self._key) != 16: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-64-128-128 key should be 16 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key) + self._nonce_len = 7 + elif self._alg == 33: # AES-CCM-64-128-256 + if len(self._key) != 32: + raise ValueError( + "The length of AES-CCM-64-128-256 key should be 32 bytes." + ) + self._cipher = AESCCM(self._key) + self._nonce_len = 7 + else: + raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown alg: %s" % self._alg) + + def encrypt(self, msg: bytes, nonce: bytes, aad: bytes) -> bytes: + """""" + if len(nonce) != self._nonce_len: + raise ValueError( + "The length of nonce should be %d bytes." % self._nonce_len + ) + return self._cipher.encrypt(nonce, msg, aad) + + def decrypt(self, msg: bytes, nonce: bytes, aad: bytes) -> bytes: + """""" + if len(nonce) != self._nonce_len: + raise ValueError( + "The length of nonce should be %d bytes." % self._nonce_len + ) + return self._cipher.decrypt(nonce, msg, aad) diff --git a/cwt/ b/cwt/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e30ba69 --- /dev/null +++ b/cwt/ @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +from typing import List + + +def i2osp(x: int, x_len: int) -> bytes: + """ + Integer-to-Octet-String primitive + """ + if x >= 256 ** x_len: + raise ValueError("integer too large") + digits = [] + while x: + digits.append(int(x % 256)) + x //= 256 + for i in range(x_len - len(digits)): + digits.append(0) + return bytes.fromhex("".join("%.2x" % x for x in digits[::-1])) + + +def os2ip(octet_string: List[int]) -> int: + """ + Octet-String-to-Integer primitive + """ + x_len = len(octet_string) + octet_string = octet_string[::-1] + x = 0 + for i in range(x_len): + x += octet_string[i] * 256 ** i + return x diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..410d9ee --- /dev/null +++ b/setup.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +[metadata] +name = Python CWT +version = attr: cwt.__version__ +author = attr: cwt.__author__ +author_email = attr: cwt.__email__ +description = attr: cwt.__description__ +long_description = file: +long_description_content_type = text/markdown +license = attr: cwt.__license__ +keywords = cbor cwt cose security signature encryption token +url = +classifiers = + Development Status :: 3 - Alpha + Intended Audience :: Developers + Natural Language :: English + License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License + Topic :: Utilities + Programming Language :: Python + Programming Language :: Python :: 3 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 + +[options] +zip_safe = false +include_package_data = true +python_requires = >=3.6 +packages = find: +install_requires = + cbor2 + cryptography>=3.3.1 + +[options.package_data] +* = py.typed + +[options.extras_require] +docs = + sphinx + sphinx-rtd-theme + sphinx-autodoc-typehints >= 1.2.0 +tests = + pytest>=6.0.0 + pytest-cov>=2.0 + coverage[toml]==5.0.4 +dev = + sphinx + sphinx-rtd-theme + cryptography>=3.3.1 + pytest>=6.0.0,<7.0.0 + coverage[toml]==5.0.4 + mypy + +[options.packages.find] +exclude = + tests + tests.* + +[flake8] +extend-ignore = E203, E501 + +[mypy] +python_version = 3.6 +ignore_missing_imports = true +warn_unused_ignores = true diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6068493 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +from setuptools import setup + +setup() diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea69f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +# pylint: disable=R0201, R0904, W0621 +# R0201: Method could be a function +# R0904: Too many public methods +# W0621: Redefined outer name + +""" +Tests for samples on README and RFCs related to CWT/COSE. +""" +# import cbor2 +# import pytest + +import cwt +from cwt import claims, cose_key + +# A sample of 128-Bit Symmetric Key referred from RFC8392 +SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_1 = ( + "a42050231f4c4d4d3051fdc2ec0a3851d5b3830104024c53796d6d6574726963" "313238030a" +) + +# A sample of 256-Bit Symmetric Key referred from RFC8392 +SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_2 = ( + "a4205820403697de87af64611c1d32a05dab0fe1fcb715a86ab435f1ec99192d" + "795693880104024c53796d6d6574726963323536030a" +) + +# A sample of ECDSA P-256 256-Bit COSE Key referred from RFC8392 +SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_3 = ( + "a72358206c1382765aec5358f117733d281c1c7bdc39884d04a45a1e6c67c858" + "bc206c1922582060f7f1a780d8a783bfb7a2dd6b2796e8128dbbcef9d3d168db" + "9529971a36e7b9215820143329cce7868e416927599cf65a34f3ce2ffda55a7e" + "ca69ed8919a394d42f0f2001010202524173796d6d6574726963454344534132" + "35360326" +) + +# A sample of Signed CWT referred from RFC8392 +SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A3 = ( + "d28443a10126a104524173796d6d657472696345434453413235365850a70175" + "636f61703a2f2f61732e6578616d706c652e636f6d02656572696b7703781863" + "6f61703a2f2f6c696768742e6578616d706c652e636f6d041a5612aeb0051a56" + "10d9f0061a5610d9f007420b7158405427c1ff28d23fbad1f29c4c7c6a555e60" + "1d6fa29f9179bc3d7438bacaca5acd08c8d4d4f96131680c429a01f85951ecee" + "743a52b9b63632c57209120e1c9e30" +) + +# A sample of MACed CWT referred from RFC8392 +SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A4 = ( + "d83dd18443a10104a1044c53796d6d65747269633235365850a70175636f6170" + "3a2f2f61732e6578616d706c652e636f6d02656572696b77037818636f61703a" + "2f2f6c696768742e6578616d706c652e636f6d041a5612aeb0051a5610d9f006" + "1a5610d9f007420b7148093101ef6d789200" +) + +# A sample of Encrypted CWT referred from RFC8392 +SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A5 = ( + "d08343a1010aa2044c53796d6d6574726963313238054d99a0d7846e762c49ff" + "e8a63e0b5858b918a11fd81e438b7f973d9e2e119bcb22424ba0f38a80f27562" + "f400ee1d0d6c0fdb559c02421fd384fc2ebe22d7071378b0ea7428fff157444d" + "45f7e6afcda1aae5f6495830c58627087fc5b4974f319a8707a635dd643b" +) + +# A Sample of Nested CWT referred from RFC8392 +SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A6 = ( + "d08343a1010aa2044c53796d6d6574726963313238054d4a0694c0e69ee6b595" + "6655c7b258b7f6b0914f993de822cc47e5e57a188d7960b528a747446fe12f0e" + "7de05650dec74724366763f167a29c002dfd15b34d8993391cf49bc91127f545" + "dba8703d66f5b7f1ae91237503d371e6333df9708d78c4fb8a8386c8ff09dc49" + "af768b23179deab78d96490a66d5724fb33900c60799d9872fac6da3bdb89043" + "d67c2a05414ce331b5b8f1ed8ff7138f45905db2c4d5bc8045ab372bff142631" + "610a7e0f677b7e9b0bc73adefdcee16d9d5d284c616abeab5d8c291ce0" +) + + +class TestSample: + """ + Tests for samples in README or in RFCs related to CWT/COSE. + """ + + def test_sample_readme_maced_cwt_with_json_dict(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword") + encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac( + claims.from_json( + {"iss": "https://as.example", "sub": "dajiaji", "cti": "123"} + ), + key, + ) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "https://as.example" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "dajiaji" + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == b"123" + + def test_sample_readme_maced_cwt_with_json_str(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword") + encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac( + claims.from_json( + '{"iss":"https://as.example","sub":"dajiaji","cti":"123"}' + ), + key, + ) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "https://as.example" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "dajiaji" + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == b"123" + + def test_sample_readme_maced_cwt_with_json_bytes(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword") + encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac( + claims.from_json( + b'{"iss":"https://as.example","sub":"dajiaji","cti":"123"}' + ), + key, + ) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "https://as.example" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "dajiaji" + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == b"123" + + def test_sample_readme_maced_cwt(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword") + encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac( + {1: "https://as.example", 2: "dajiaji", 7: b"123"}, key + ) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "https://as.example" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "dajiaji" + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == b"123" + + def test_sample_rfc8392_a3(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_3)) + encoded = bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A3) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key=key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "coap://" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "erikw" + assert 3 in decoded and decoded[3] == "coap://" + assert 4 in decoded and decoded[4] == 1444064944 + assert 5 in decoded and decoded[5] == 1443944944 + assert 6 in decoded and decoded[6] == 1443944944 + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == bytes.fromhex("0b71") + + def test_sample_rfc8392_a3_with_encoding(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_3)) + encoded = cwt.encode_and_sign( + { + 1: "coap://", + 2: "erikw", + 3: "coap://", + 4: 1444064944, + 5: 1443944944, + 6: 1443944944, + 7: bytes.fromhex("0b71"), + }, + key=key, + ) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key=key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "coap://" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "erikw" + assert 3 in decoded and decoded[3] == "coap://" + assert 4 in decoded and decoded[4] == 1444064944 + assert 5 in decoded and decoded[5] == 1443944944 + assert 6 in decoded and decoded[6] == 1443944944 + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == bytes.fromhex("0b71") + + def test_sample_rfc8392_a4(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_dict( + { + -1: bytes.fromhex( + "403697de87af64611c1d32a05dab0fe1fcb715a86ab435f1ec99192d79569388" + ), + 1: 4, # Symmetric + 2: bytes.fromhex("53796d6d6574726963323536"), + 3: 4, # HMAC256/64 + } + ) + encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac( + { + 1: "coap://", + 2: "erikw", + 3: "coap://", + 4: 1444064944, + 5: 1443944944, + 6: 1443944944, + 7: bytes.fromhex("0b71"), + }, + key=key, + tagged=True, + ) + assert encoded == bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A4) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key=key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "coap://" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "erikw" + assert 3 in decoded and decoded[3] == "coap://" + assert 4 in decoded and decoded[4] == 1444064944 + assert 5 in decoded and decoded[5] == 1443944944 + assert 6 in decoded and decoded[6] == 1443944944 + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == bytes.fromhex("0b71") + + def test_sample_rfc8392_a5(self): + """""" + key = cose_key.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_1)) + nonce = bytes.fromhex("99a0d7846e762c49ffe8a63e0b") + encoded = cwt.encode_and_encrypt( + { + 1: "coap://", + 2: "erikw", + 3: "coap://", + 4: 1444064944, + 5: 1443944944, + 6: 1443944944, + 7: bytes.fromhex("0b71"), + }, + key=key, + nonce=nonce, + ) + assert encoded == bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A5) + decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key=key) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "coap://" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "erikw" + assert 3 in decoded and decoded[3] == "coap://" + assert 4 in decoded and decoded[4] == 1444064944 + assert 5 in decoded and decoded[5] == 1443944944 + assert 6 in decoded and decoded[6] == 1443944944 + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == bytes.fromhex("0b71") + + def test_sample_rfc8392_a6(self): + """""" + sig_key = cose_key.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_3)) + enc_key = cose_key.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_1)) + encrypted = bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_CWT_RFC8392_A6) + decoded = cwt.decode(encrypted, key=[enc_key, sig_key]) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "coap://" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "erikw" + assert 3 in decoded and decoded[3] == "coap://" + assert 4 in decoded and decoded[4] == 1444064944 + assert 5 in decoded and decoded[5] == 1443944944 + assert 6 in decoded and decoded[6] == 1443944944 + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == bytes.fromhex("0b71") + + def test_sample_rfc8392_a6_with_encoding(self): + """""" + sig_key = cose_key.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_3)) + signed = cwt.encode_and_sign( + { + 1: "coap://", + 2: "erikw", + 3: "coap://", + 4: 1444064944, + 5: 1443944944, + 6: 1443944944, + 7: bytes.fromhex("0b71"), + }, + key=sig_key, + ) + enc_key = cose_key.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(SAMPLE_COSE_KEY_RFC8392_A2_1)) + nonce = bytes.fromhex("4a0694c0e69ee6b5956655c7b2") + encrypted = cwt.encode_and_encrypt(signed, key=enc_key, nonce=nonce) + decoded = cwt.decode(encrypted, key=[enc_key, sig_key]) + assert 1 in decoded and decoded[1] == "coap://" + assert 2 in decoded and decoded[2] == "erikw" + assert 3 in decoded and decoded[3] == "coap://" + assert 4 in decoded and decoded[4] == 1444064944 + assert 5 in decoded and decoded[5] == 1443944944 + assert 6 in decoded and decoded[6] == 1443944944 + assert 7 in decoded and decoded[7] == bytes.fromhex("0b71") diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f6cfd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tox.ini @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +[pytest] +addopts = -ra +testpaths = tests +filterwarnings = + once::Warning + ignore:::pympler[.*] + + +[gh-actions] +python = + 3.6: py36 + 3.7: py37, docs + 3.8: py38, typing + 3.9: py39 + + +[tox] +envlist = + lint + typing + py{36,37,38,39} + docs + pypi-description + coverage-report +isolated_build = True + + +[testenv] +# Prevent random setuptools/pip breakages like +# from breaking our builds. +setenv = + VIRTUALENV_NO_DOWNLOAD=1 +extras = + tests +commands = {envpython} -b -m coverage run -m pytest {posargs} + + +[testenv:docs] +basepython = python3.7 +extras = docs +commands = + sphinx-build -n -T -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html + sphinx-build -n -T -W -b doctest -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html + python -m doctest README.rst + + +[testenv:typing] +basepython = python3.8 +extras = dev +commands = mypy cwt + + +[testenv:lint] +basepython = python3.8 +extras = dev +passenv = HOMEPATH # needed on Windows +commands = pre-commit run --all-files + + +[testenv:pypi-description] +basepython = python3.8 +skip_install = true +deps = + twine + pip >= 18.0.0 +commands = + pip wheel -w {envtmpdir}/build --no-deps . + twine check {envtmpdir}/build/* + + +[testenv:coverage-report] +basepython = python3.8 +skip_install = true +deps = coverage[toml]==5.0.4 +commands = + coverage combine + coverage report