All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed Issue #32, using the correct arguments for the latest BiCoN package
- Updated footer to "Copyright 2022" & added links to Github repositories
None, just pull the latest changes / unzip the release
- Switched the Docker image from Python 3.6 (EOL) to Python 3.10
- Fixed the default settings file so
can be called without setting environmental variables - Upgraded Celery to version 5
- Result backend switched from AMQP rabbitmq to the same database as used for Django
- Updated the BiCon version to 1.3.3
Due to a new result backend, a "migrate" command for the database is necessary
Based on BiCoN version 1.2.14
- Include App version and used BiCoN version in the footer
- Caching of the PPI networks
- PpiNetworkCache model and database table
- Usage documentation on the script
- Using BiCoN 1.2.14 now
- Rewritten import_ndex function for (12x - 20x) speed up of downloading PPI networks
- Updated the citation section in the documentation.html section as well
- Updated the about section to include more links and information about used packages
- Optimized all imports, removed unused ones
- Reduced requirements.txt to a handful of actually used ones (switch from hard == to compatible ~=)
- Bumped all dependencies to the newest ones if possible (most notably we are using Django 3.0)
- Fixed style for Plotly (4.0) to match the other styles
- Explicitly set "X-Frame-Origin" to "sameorigin"
- Restrict CSRF token to this explicit site only (allows for compatibility between multiple different tools on the same server)
- Old requirements.txt in trash folder
- Unused / commented code
Due to the updated database structure a "migrate" command is necessary
Initial release of BiCoN-web based on BiCoN version 1.2.3
- New release tag
- Fixed the import of NDEx PPI networks to new format