Releases: dainst/idai-field
Releases · dainst/idai-field
Field Desktop 3.1 Patch 1
- Projects can now be deleted without opening them first
- A link to the parent resource is now shown in the document info window while in extended search mode
- The category icon is now shown in the document info window for target resources of relation fields
- Resources of category "Opening" can now be created as children of resources of category "Room"
- Fixed a bug in list view where the text "undefined" would appear in identifier field after deleting the field content or creating a new resource
- Fixed option info texts in export menu
- Fixed a bug where an empty identifier could be temporarily set for resources in list view
- Fixed layout of category switcher button
- Fixed layout issues in configuration editor, date picker and relation picker
Field Desktop 3.1
- Multi language support for text fields: Input can be entered in multiple project languages which can be selected in the configuration editor or when creating a new project
- New image synchronization options: Upload and download of original images can now be activated or deactivated separately
- New setting "Receive original images": If deactivated, no original images are received via synchronization connections established on remote computers
- New menu "Project" -> "Data overview": Provides information about the state of the local database, including resources count, last changed resource and amount & size of image files
- Selection of default layers in map layers menu
- New input types "URL" and "Whole number"
- The user interface is now available in Ukrainian. For questions and comments on the translation, please contact:
- New building survey categories "Level", "InnerWall", "OuterWall", "Roof", "Opening", "Window", "Door", "Stairs", "DesignElement" and "Damage" are now available
- After entering a valid target URL in the "Download project" or "Synchronize project" menu, the amount of image data to be uploaded/downloaded is now displayed for each upload/download option
- When downloading a project, an already existing project of the same name can now be replaced with the downloaded project by enabling the new option "Overwrite project"
- The input type of the field "shortDescription" can now be switched between "Single line text", "Multiline text", "Dropdown list" and "Radiobutton"
- Empty input fields for labels and descriptions are now shown per default in configuration editor for each selected project language
- In CSV export, hierarchical relations can now be exported either as simplified relation "isChildOf" (as before) or as relations "liesWithin" and "isRecordedIn"
- Unnecessary spaces at the beginning or end of the URL, project name or password are now automatically removed in "Download project" & "Synchronize project" menus
- Fixed a bug where the application would sometimes crash when trying to read exif data during thumbnail generation
- Fixed the operation filter option in export menu
- Fixed a bug where resources would be updated in the datastore during geometry/merge import even if no field values had been changed
- Fixed a bug where fields were incorrectly shown as differing in conflict resolver
- Fixed downloading projects with deleted images
- Fixed a bug where a conflict would appear when editing a resource via resource editor directly after changing a value in list view
- Fixed a bug where resources would be saved in list view even if no values had been changed
- Fixed a bug where incorrect target categories were shown in move modal
- Fixed a bug where resources could be moved to an unallowed operation when moving their parent resource
- Fixed a bug where lists with differing order would not be shown in conflict resolver
- Fixed English & Italian translations of date/time labels in conflict resolver
- Fixed a bug where the close button would not appear for tabs with shortened labels
- Fixed a bug where an incorrect error message appeared after entering an invalid URL in the "Download project" menu
- Fixed a bug where the error message "Empty strings are not allowed as values" would be incorrectly shown during CSV import
- Fixed a bug where the button for adding groups would not appear for custom categories with a description
- Fixed display errors on Windows
- Fixed layout bugs in configuration editor, language picker & download project modal
- For new projects, one or more project languages have to be selected. It is possible to continue working on existing projects without selecting project languages. Please note that after adding project languages to an existing project, the project can only be opened with Field Desktop 3.1 or later.
Field Desktop 3.0 Patch 4
- When installing the application on Windows, it is now possible to switch to an "all users" installation and change the installation directory. Please note that this does not affect the location of user data (databases, configuration files) which will always be stored in the user directory.
- Release notes are now shown inside the application when a new version is found via auto update
- Fixed detection of installed Java version for newer Java versions
- Fixed layout issues in resource editor and download project menu
Field Desktop 3.0 Patch 3
- Temporal relations can now be set for resources in different operations
- Dates of formats "mm.yyyy" and "yyyy" are now supported
- Fixed a bug where the type selection modal in resource editor would not open after linking images with types
- Fixed a bug where conflicts would appear in some cases when editing type resources after editing the project configuration
- Fixed a bug where the navigation path in overview, operation tabs & type management would not be updated correctly after editing the project configuration
- Fixed a bug where resources could be moved to other operations even if relations were set that required both resources to be recorded in the same operation
- Fixed a bug where the "invalid data" widget would be shown immediately while entering data in number fields
- Fixed validating date values in import
- Fixed a layout bug in type picker
Field Desktop 3.0 Patch 2
- New common field "notes"
- New chapter "Images" in manual
- Field specific search can now be enabled for fields of input type "multiInput"
- Increased width of reference input fields
- Fixed context selection in CSV export
- Fixed a bug where duplicate columns for relations (without prefix "relations") were created in CSV export files
- Fixed a bug where CSV import would fail for resources in different operations even though no relations were set that required the resources to belong to the same operation
- Fixed scrolling in groups list of configuration editor
- Fixed scrolling in groups list of resource editor
- Fixed a bug where the application would not wait for the database to be deleted after cancelling download
- Fixed updating resource order after editing identifier
- Fixed selecting "Any value" and "No value" from dropdown menu for non-valuelist fields in field specific search
- Fixed displaying characters < and > in field data
- Fixed a layout bug in map layer menu which occurred while dragging layer elements in list
Field Desktop 3.0 Patch 1
- New field "imageRights" in category "Image"
- Placeholders for missing thumbnails are now shown in resource view
- Values for range dimensions can now be entered in any order
- Fixed a bug where image files would be downloaded even though both file download options were not selected
- Fixed changing dating type
- Fixed a bug where resources of newly created categories would not be included in search results for fulltext search until restarting the application
- Fixed a bug where field specific search would not work properly after toggling the search slider in field editor until restarting the application
- Fixed resetting search constraints after deselecting category in filter menu
- Fixed deleting valuelist assignment from configuration when deleting a field
- Fixed a bug where changes to value order could not be applied
- Fixed labels of inherited values in valuelist editor
- Fixed a bug where deleted values would still be shown in valuelist editor for valuelists with custom order
- Fixed detection of changed valuelist in field editor
- Fixed scrolling to edited valuelist after closing valuelist editor
- Fixed scrolling to selected resource when coming from another route
Field Desktop 3.0
- Configuration editor
- Image synchronization (original images and thumbnails)
- New image management tool (available via resource context menu)
- New user interface layout
- Project data can now either be synchronized with another instance of Field Desktop or with the new Field server application (FieldHub). For more information about how to set up a Field server, please refer to the readme files in this repository.
- The project configuration is now stored in the database and will be synchronized in the same way as resources. It is therefore no longer necessary to manually distribute configuration files among team members.
- Image thumbnails are now saved as files in the imagestore directory. If a project created with an older version (2.x.x) of the application is opened, all thumbnails are automatically read from the database and saved in the imagestore directory on startup.
- The previous default field groups named after the respective parent/child categories are now replaced by the combined group "properties". Fields can be placed in custom groups via the new configuration editor.
- The new relations "fills" and "is filled by" are now available for feature resources.
- When deleting owned catalogs, deleting related images is now the default option.
- Image files can now optionally be removed when deleting a project.
- Fixed dragging polygons & polylines in geometry editor
- Fixed a bug where invalid dimension values could be added (but not saved) in the resource editor which would lead to layout problems
- Fixed a bug where not all subfields of literature values would be included in CSV export
- Fixed a bug where dating and literature fields were not included in CSV export in some cases
- Fixed a bug where resources of removed categories would still be shown in some parts of the application
- Fixed a bug where re-imported catalog resources were not indexed correctly if they had been deleted in the same session
- Fixed a layout bug that occurred for navigation buttons with shortened labels when switching between overview tab and an operation tab
iDAI.field 2.20 Patch 1
- New categories Profile and Planum are now available; features can be linked via new relation isPresentIn
- New search constraints "Linked types", "Linked finds" and "Linked identical resources" are now available in field specific search
- Resources of categories Find and Sample can now be created as children of Sample resources
- Renamed menu "File" to "Project" and restructured menus
- Field specific search is now case insensitive
- Improved synchronization stability
- Linked finds in type management are now sorted alphanumerically
- Relation targets in resource info are now sorted alphanumerically
- Fixed a bug where downloading or synchronizing projects would fail for passwords containing certain special characters (e. g. %)
- Fixed a bug where the progress bar in the "Download project" menu would not display the correct values when connecting to a CouchDB 3 database
- Fixed a bug where the progress percent value could exceed 100 percent if resources were changed on the target database while downloading the project
- Fixed a bug where an empty short description would be shown for newly imported images
- Fixed image rotation in thumbnails generated for images with orientation value in exif metadata
- Fixed a bug where names of fields without configured labels were not shown in fields view
- Fixed a bug where field resources were incorrectly shown in types mode after following relation links
- Removed auto update widgets under Linux (where auto update is not supported)
iDAI.field 2.20
- New menu "File" -> "Download project..." for initial replication of remote projects
- Multi selection via Shift key in image management
- All menus for managing projects (including creation and deletion of projects, opening projects and editing project properties) are now available via the "File" menu
- Synchronization is now configured per project via the menu "File" -> "Current project" -> "Synchronize..."
- Find resources can now be placed in resources of categories "Building" and "Room".
- Fixed a problem with thumbnail generation on catalog import into non-owning projects
- Fixed a bug where images were not shown in image overview anymore after editing a resource with hasMapLayer relations
iDAI.field 2.19 Patch 4
- Search terms now also get tokenized at
(dot), in addition to-
(hyphen) and_
- Fixed missing notarization of MacOS version