X3NOS is a web application designed to mimic the aesthetic and functionality of an old-school operating system with a modern twist. The project features a dynamic loading screen, digital clock, and login interface, and includes interactive elements such as power-off dialogs and glitch effects.
Go Live Version User Credentials: username -- admin, password -- demo
- Loading Screen: Displays a customizable loading bar and a placeholder message.
- Digital Clock: Shows current time and date with a retro look.
- Login Screen: Simulates a login interface with form validation.
- Power-Off Dialog: Offers a simulated power-off sequence with glitch effects.
- Error Handling: Displays error messages for incorrect login attempts.
- HTML5: Structure of the pages.
- CSS3: Styling with animations and effects.
- JavaScript: Interactivity and dynamic updates.
- Font Awesome: Icons for UI elements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - visit the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or feedback, you can reach out via GitHub Issues or email (contact@theilker.com)
- Fixed scrollbar issue when moving windows.
- Updated project structure (organized scripts and styles into separate folders).
- Resolved issue with window maximization state (fixed disappearing problem).
- Window controller class added for managing draggable, resizable, and minimizable windows.
- Little bug fixes.
- Calendar updated with dynamic date highlighting.
- Calendar now can display another month && year.
- Calendar functionality added.
- Added brightness adjustment with full-screen overlay.
- Implemented volume preview feature in settings dialog.
- Improved CSS to prevent layout shifting during brightness changes.