Repositorio oficial del Softwar Engineering Knowledge Composer
El proyecto está dividio en dos componentes, el primero es el essence-core
y contiene todas las interfaces del meta-modelo de essence y el segundo es el sekc
que representa al proyecto general. Los repositorios se encuentra en las siguientes url's:
- Instalar Mongodb
- Instalar Java 8
- Instalar Maven
- Instalar Eclipse última versión web.
git clone -b develop
mvn spring-boot:run
el proyecto estárá disponible en la url:
├── app - Your application
│ ├── account - User account management UI
│ ├── admin - Administration UI
│ ├── blocks - Common building blocks like configuration and interceptors
│ ├── components - Common components like alerting and form validation
│ ├── entities - Generated entities (more information below)
│ ├── home - Home page
│ ├── layouts - Common page layouts like navigation bar and error pages
│ ├── services - Common services like authentication and user management
│ ├── app.constants.js - Application constants
│ ├── app.module.js - Application modules configuration
│ ├── app.state.js - Main application router
├── bower_components - Dependencies installed by Bower
├── content - Static content
│ ├── images - Images
│ ├── styles - CSS stylesheets
│ ├── fonts - Font files will be copied here
├── i18n - Translation files
├── scss - Sass style sheet files will be here if you choose the option
├── swagger-ui - Swagger UI front-end
├── 404.html - 404 page
├── favicon.ico - Fav icon
├── index.html - Index page
├── robots.txt - Configuration for bots and Web crawlers