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DA input and output

Alexander Wittig edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

C++ DACE interface

I/O operations in the DACE C++ interface blend in nicely with the C++ stream I/O concept. You can use the stream insertion operator << to write a human readable ASCII representation of any DA object to any output stream (the console, a file, a network socket, ...). Similarly, the stream extraction operator >> allows you to read a DA object back from an input stream.

In addition to the ASCII representation, there is also a binary representation which is lossless and smaller. This can be written to a stream by converting a DA object to a storedDA object before writing. When reading, the stream extraction operator >> transparently reads both types of objects.


#include <dace/dace.h>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
using namespace DACE;

int main( void )
    DA::init( 20, 1 );
    DA x = DA::random(1.0);
    DA y = sin(x);

    // output x and y to file
    ofstream os("test.dat", ofstream::binary);	// Windows requires binary flag if this stream is used to write binary DA representations ("stored DAs")
    os << x             // output DA x as a human readable ASCII representation
       << storedDA(y);  // and DA y as a compact binary representation

    // read values back
    DA xx, yy;
    ifstream is("test.dat", ifstream::binary);	// same here: Windows needs to be told explicitly about binary files
    is >> xx >> yy; // same stream extraction operator handles both binary and ASCII for reading

    // show differences
    cout << "Difference between x and read value:\n" << x-xx << endl;
    cout << "Difference between y and read value:\n" << y-yy << endl;    
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