Frete Rápido
- São Paulo, SP
- linkedin.com/in/wagner-rodrigues-dev
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
🥑 Language focused docker images, minus the operating system.
deepzBOT is a bot developed with TypeScript and discord.js, based on Tatsu and other BOTS.
A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀
✉️ Umbriel is a simple mailing platform built with Node.js, TypeScript & Prisma.
JS Expert Week 5.0 classes - Google Drive Clone
Customizable react native component for number animations.
Um notificador mobile para lembrar os usuários de regar suas plantinhas 🌱💖
JS Expert Week 3.0 - Weechat - Building a cross-platform chat using command line and Advanced JavaScript
Desafios do terceiro módulo do Bootcamp Launchbase 🚀👨🏻🚀
Um rastreador de protocolos de internet.
Clone da interface de usuário da lista de filmes/séries da Netflix!
Projeto construído durante o Next Level Week #01
Aplicação construída com o objetivo de informar orfanatos na localidade atual.