aiocarrot is a fully asynchronous framework for working with the RabbitMQ message broker
Source Code:
The key features are:
- Completely asynchronous - aiocarrot has the aiopika library running under the hood
- Fast to code - the framework allows you to reduce the amount of code in your project, as well as speed up its development
- Fields validation - aiocarrot supports field validation using pydantic
- Scheduler - describe the task launch period in the cron format
The following dependencies are required for aiocarrot to work:
- aio-pika for working with RabbitMQ
- pydantic for fields validation
- ujson for sending and receiving messages
- loguru for logging :)
Create and activate virtual environment and then install aiocarrot:
pip install aiocarrot
Create a file
from aiocarrot import Carrot, Consumer
import asyncio
consumer = Consumer()
async def multiply(first_number: int, second_number: int) -> None:
print('Result is:', first_number * second_number)
async def main() -> None:
carrot = Carrot(url='amqp://guest:guest@', queue_name='sample')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Then run it with:
Now you have created a consumer with the ability to receive a "multiply" task
If you want to send a message, use this:
from aiocarrot import Carrot
import asyncio
async def main() -> None:
carrot = Carrot(url='amqp://guest:guest@', queue_name='sample')
await carrot.send('multiply', first_number=10, second_number=20)
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can use the scheduler to run your tasks automatically.
You can schedule a task using the cron format. For example, to run a task once every 15 minutes: */15 * * * *
@consumer.message(name='example.scheduler', schedule='*/15 * * * *')
async def scheduler_message(value: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
print('Your value is:', value or 0)
NOTE: The scheduler does not support working with arguments that do not have default values. If you want to schedule a message and it has arguments, make sure they all have a default value.
You can find more examples here
It's very simple to use. Enjoy!