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sensemakr for Julia (Sensemakr) implements a suite of sensitivity analysis tools that extends the traditional omitted variable bias framework and makes it easier to understand the impact of omitted variables in regression models, as discussed in Cinelli, C. and Hazlett, C. (2020) “Making Sense of Sensitivity: Extending Omitted Variable Bias.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology).


You will need Julia version 1.7.0 or higher to install this package

The latest version can be downloaded by running:

import Pkg; Pkg.add(url = "");

The latest stable version can be downloaded by running:

import Pkg; Pkg.add("Sensemakr");

Example Usage

# loads Sensemakr
using Sensemakr

# loads DataFrames and GLM
using DataFrames, GLM

# creates dataframe with darfur data
darfur = load_darfur();

# runs OLS
form = @formula(peacefactor ~ directlyharmed + age + farmer_dar + herder_dar + pastvoted + hhsize_darfur + female + village);
fitted_model = lm(form, darfur);

# creates sensemakr object
darfur_sense = sensemakr(fitted_model, "directlyharmed", benchmark_covariates = "female", kd = [1, 2, 3]);

# summary of sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity Analysis to Unobserved Confounding

Model Formula: peacefactor ~ 1 + directlyharmed + age + farmer_dar + herder_dar + pastvoted + hhsize_darfur + female + village

Null hypothesis: q = 1.0 and reduce = true
-- This means we are considering biases that reduce the absolute value of the current estimate
-- The null hypothesis deemed problematic is H0:tau = 0.0

Unadjusted Estimates of "directlyharmed":
   Coef. Estimate: 0.097
   Standard Error: 0.023
   t-value: 4.184

Sensitivity Statistics:
   Partial R2 of treatment with outcome: 0.022
   Robustness Value, q = 1.0: 0.139
   Robustness Value, q = 1.0 alpha = 0.05: 0.076

Verbal interpretation of sensitivity statistics:

-- Partial R2 of the treatment with the outcome: an extreme confounder (orthogonal to the covariates) that explains 100% of the residual variance of the outcome, would need to explain at least 2.187 % of the residual variance of the treatment to fully account for the observed estimated effect.

-- Robustness Value, q = 1.0: unobserved confounders (orthogonal to the covariates) that of both the treatment and the outcome are strong enough to bring the point estimate to 0.0 (a bias of 100.0% of the original estimate). Conversely, unobserved confounders that do not explain more than 13.878% of the residual variance of both the treatment and the outcome are not strong enough to bring the point estimate to 0.0.

-- Robustness Value,q = 1.0, alpha = 0.05: unobserved confounders (orthogonal to the covariates) that explain more than 7.626% of the residual variance of both the treatment and the outcome are strong enough to bring the estimate to a range where it is no longer 'statistically different' from 0.0 (a bias of 100.0% of the original estimate), at the significance level of alpha = 0.05. Conversely, unobserved confounders that do not explain more than7.626% of the residual varianceof both the treatment and the outcome are not strong enough to bring the estimate to a range where it is no longer 'statistically different' from 0.0, at the significance level of alpha = 0.05.

Bounds on omitted variable bias:
--The table below shows the maximum strength of unobserved confounders with association with the treatment and the outcome bounded by a multiple of the observed explanatory power of the chosen benchmark covariate(s).

3×9 DataFrame
 Row │ bound_label  r2dz_x      r2yz_dx   treatment       adjusted_estimate  adjusted_se  adjusted_t  adjusted_lower_CI  adjusted_upper_CI
     │ String       Float64     Float64   String          Float64            Float64      Float64     Float64            Float64
   1 │ 1.0x female  0.00916429  0.124641  directlyharmed          0.0752203    0.0218733     3.4389          0.032283            0.118158
   2 │ 2.0x female  0.0183286   0.249324  directlyharmed          0.0529152    0.0203501     2.60025         0.012968            0.0928623
   3 │ 3.0x female  0.0274929   0.37405   directlyharmed          0.030396     0.0186701     1.62806        -0.00625328          0.0670453

# contour plot for estimate


# contour plot for t-value
plot(darfur_sense, sensitivity_of = "t-value")


# extreme scenario plot
plot(darfur_sense, plot_type = "extreme")


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