The Library Management System is a simple, menu-driven program designed to help users manage basic library operations. It is built to demonstrate fundamental programming concepts such as input/output handling, file management, and basic data structures. This project is ideal for beginners looking to understand the basics of software development and how to design a functional system.
-- Add Books: Allows users to add new books to the library with details like book ID, title, author, and genre. -- View Books: Displays the list of all available books in the library, showing their details in a structured format. -- Search Books: Enables users to search for a book by ID or title for quick access. -- Delete Books: Allows users to remove a book from the library by entering its unique ID. -- Exit Program: Exits the application gracefully after saving changes (if applicable).
The program starts by displaying a menu with various options. Users can select an option by entering the corresponding number (e.g., 1 for "Add Books"). Depending on the choice, the program will perform tasks such as adding a new book, displaying all books, searching for a book, or exiting. Data is saved temporarily during the session.
-- Programming Language: [ Python] -- Data Storage: Simple file handling or in-memory storage in MS Excel. [CSV comma delimited for excel]
βββ # Main program file βββ book_name.txt # File to store book records βββ # Project documentation