simple checkers game in python
- The program receives a file/text input with a sequence of checkers moves and will print the winner: “first”, “second” or “tie”.
- In case there was an illegal move, or the game did not reach its end, the program will report it.
- 4 sample text files are available.
- The board is 8x8
- A player can only move forward diagonally
- If you can capture the opponent, you must. Even for multiple captures.
- (0,0) is the bottom right white square.
- In the text file a move is defined as follows: x0, y0, x1, y1 when the player’s move is from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). A multiple capture appears as multiple lines.
- The game ends when there are no more available moves for the player that needs to play.
- The winner is whoever has more checkers at the end of the game.
File | Expected Output |
black.txt | second |
white.txt | first |
incomplete.txt | incomplete game |
illegal_move.txt | line 15 illegal move: 1,0,0,5 |
Result of running incomplete.txt