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Servus: Theme Boilerplate

Servus is a Mac app to make quick-fire sharing via your Dropbox account easier and more comfortable. Its preferences allow you to specify a custom theme for rendering your shared files' preview pages.

This repository contains a bare-bones theme starter kit: a index.html with all the available placeholders. Feel free to use it as boilerplate for your custom themes.

How to get started

  1. Either download starter kit as ZIP file (then unzip it) or fork the starter kit repo on Github. Store the resulting folder somewhere on the Mac that has Servus installed.
  2. Tell Servus to use that starter kit folder as custom theme. To do that, open Servus' Preferences window, go to the Theme section and tick the box labelled "Use custom theme…", then set the theme folder by pressing the "Select theme path" button.
  3. Now when you drop a file onto the Servus icon, the app will get its theme files from that starter kit folder.
  4. To edit your theme, open the starter kit folder and edit the index.html as you see fit. If you want to add new elements like CSS files or background images, drop them into that same folder and reference them in your HTML and CSS files as usual. (See the section "Important!" below. It's important!)
  5. Drop any file onto the Servus menubar icon to see your theme changes.

Templating Engine

Servus is making use of Mustache, a well-known logic-less templating engine. You can find all you need to know about its syntax on the Mustache website.

Theme Workflow

The templating process works like this:

  1. The contents of your local theme folder will be copied to a temporary folder.
  2. All asset files in that folder are uploaded. (Asset files are images, Javascript files, etc. — basically everything that's neither a CSS file nor the index.html.)
  3. Shareable links for those files are requested from the Dropbox API.
  4. In the CSS files and index.html the original references to the local asset files are replaced with their respective shareable counterparts gathered in step 3. As an example, let's assume in your CSS file you reference a local theme file background-image.jpg. Since each file shared via Dropbox gets its own unpredictable path name by the Dropbox API, your local reference to that file won't work anymore, so Servus is replacing it with the file's shareable URL
  5. The CSS files are uploaded, their references are replaced in the index.html.
  6. The HTML file is uploaded.


  • Your theme must contain an index.html.
  • Your theme can contain more than one CSS file and many JS files but only one index.html. The templating engine won't replace placeholders in JS files, tho, so if you want to set JS variables, do so in a <script> block in the HTML file prior to loading your external JS file.
  • Servus will ignore subfolders. Only files in the root folder of your theme are recognized and processed.
  • The templating engine expects UTF-8 encoded files.
  • All your external assets should be served via HTTPS.

Template Placeholders

Here's a list of available template keys/variables with their meaning.

  • file_link: the relative path to the shared file as seen from index.html.
  • file_ext: the normalized file extension (trimmed & lowercase).
  • file_size: the file size in readable format, eg. "2.70 KB", "5.12 GB".
  • original_filename: The name of the file as it was when the file was shared.
  • is_archive: the file is an archive (zip, tgz, rar etc.)
  • is_audio: the file is an audio file (mp3, m4a, wav etc.)
  • is_contact: the file is a vcard file
  • is_image: the file is an image (png, jpg, tiff, gif etc.)
  • is_message: the file is a recognized message (email, IM, and so on)
  • is_pdf: the file is a mixed content file, i.e. a PDF.
  • is_text: the file is text document (html, rtf, mdown etc.)
  • is_video: the file is a video (mov, mpg etc.)
  • is_unknown_type: the file wasn't recognized as one of the files listed above
  • is_ext_*: a "dynamic" placeholder — for example, if the shared file is a GIF then the placeholder is_ext_gif would be set.
  • dropbox_preview_link: the URL to Dropbox' original preview page for the shared file. (Servus 1.0+)
  • json_data: all available keys/variables as JSON object. Naturally, this is what you want to use when writing Javascript.
  • preview_image: the URL to an JPG containing a rendered presentation of your uploaded file. Max. image size is 512x512px. (Servus 1.3+)


May 15, 2013 — Servus 1.3

  • Added placeholder preview_image (Servus 1.3+).

January 24, 2013 — Servus 1.2

  • Added placeholder json_data (Servus 1.2+).

October 22, 2012 — Servus 1.0.1

  • Hopefully made the "How to" and "Theme workflow" sections more clear.
  • Added placeholder dropbox_preview_link.

September 15, 2012 — Servus 0.9.12

  • You can't use many HTML files anymore, only placeholders in index.html will be processed.
  • Rewrote the "Theme Workflow" section as that whole part of Servus was rewritten from scratch.
  • URL shortening in Servus was removed, so the short_url placeholder isn't supported anymore.


The Servus Default Theme are copyright © 2012 Carlo Zottmann,,

The Servus Theme Boilerplate (this here repository) is licensed under the WTFPL v2.

                   Version 2, December 2004

Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar
 14 rue de Plaisance, 75014 Paris, France
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.