Collection of utilities used to write C programs quickly and efficiently.
This program can be installed on both Windows and Linux by cloning the repository and running the respective build scripts after installing the required dependencies.
MSVC is used to build the project on Windows.
Ensure Desktop Development for C++ is selected under the Workloads tab, and C++ Clang Compiler for Windows (17.0.3) is selected under Individual components tab. Newer versions of Clang should work also.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
- Desktop Development for C++
- C++ Clang Compiler for Windows (17.0.3)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools
- Doxygen
winget install --id=Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Community -e && winget install --id=Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools -e
git clone
cd libcspd
Clang is used to build the project on Linux. The Clang version used is 17.0.6 though should work with any newer version.
sudo apt-get install clang
curl -O
tar -xf ./clang+llvm-17.0.6-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-22.04.tar.xz
cd clang+llvm-17.0.6-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-22.04/bin/
sudo cp -R clang+llvm-17.0.6-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-22.04/* /usr/
git clone
cd libcspd/
Finally, run the respective build scripts to compile.
cd libcspd
cd libcspd/
Instructions on how to compile and link the program for development on the project. For use in other projects, both build scripts show an example of how to link the library to another program. The program under the tests
directory does exactly this.
cd libcspd
The makefile
build target will output a Shared Object file
for dynamically linking in other programs. In the example below, the included program used for testing imports the library for testing purposes.
cd libcspd/
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/absolute/path/to/libcspd/bin;$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ./tests/bin/libcspd
Memory leaks can be checked with Valgrind by also dynamically linking the library to another program.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mnt/d/Dev/GitHub/cyn1x/libcspd/bin;$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" valgrind --leak-check=yes ./tests/bin/libcspd
Doxygen is used to generate documentation. The resulting website will be generated in the /doc