In this project, we visualize and analyze the COVID-19 vaccination data in countries all over the world, especially European countries.
Data source: Data on COVID-19 (coronavirus) by Our World in Data up to 7/19/2021.
- Data processing: Microsoft SQL Server Management & excel
- Visualization: flourish & tableau
First, let us go through the columns in the total data sets, which can be divided into the following categories:
cases: (smoothed) total/new cases/deaths (per million)
epidemiology: reproduction rate stringency Index: 0 - 100, A higher score indicates a stricter response population (density) median_age, aged 65/70 older
patients: (weekly) ICU/hospital patients (per million)
tests: (smoothed) new/total tests (per thousand), positive rate, tests per case
vaccination: (smoothed) total/new vaccinations (per hundred), people (fully) vaccinated (per hundred),
facility: handwashing facilities, hospital beds per thousand
other: GDP per capita, extreme poverty, other disease rates, life_expectancy, human develpoment_index
We are interested in the vaccination data in this project, and if necessary, we can consider the correlation between the other data above and vaccination.
All data columns: total_vaccinations
, people_vaccinated
, people_fully_vaccinated
, new_vaccinations
, new_vaccinations_smoothed,
, people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred
, new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million
For the comparison between countries, we focus on the total vaccinations, not the new vaccination per day.
The available options are: total_vaccinations,
, people_vaccinated
, people_fully_vaccinated
, people_vaccinated_per_hundred
, people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred
The indicator that best reflects the coverage of vaccination is people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred
However, the statistical data types of different countries are different, which leads to some columns with many missing values. Let's also choose total_vaccinations_per_hundred
with the fewest missing values to study.
We want to study the vaccination process of countries around the world, but putting the data of more than two hundred countries and regions on one map will be a mess, so we only choose the top countries.
In addition, we also want to study the changes over time. If we use a time series plot, we may need to plot all the countries that were top at a certain time, which will still include many countries.
Considering the above factors, we choose a bar chart rase for visualization.
The statistics of different timestamps are listed row by row in the dataset, but we need specific data with the timestamp in rows, which is the requirement for the Flourish bar chart race.
We can use the PIVIT relational operator to perform it in SQL Server if the number of rows/timestamps is fixed and small. But if there are too many rows/timestamps (like in this case), we need to use dynamic query. You can find the tutorial here.
Here is the bar chart race of total_vaccinations_per_hundred
data starting from 1/10/2021.
We can find that many top-ranked countries are countries with small populations, so we divide the data of people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred
into top 50% population and lower 50% population as follows.
- We surprisingly found out that the number of Gibraltar is more than 100, read the news for more details.
- The various color makes it hard to analyze, so we just focus on the European countries and get the following chart of
European countries were the first to be vaccinated, but starting in March, other countries have gradually caught up. About 10 of the top 25 countries are European countries from March.
What about the countries with the top 50% population?
More than half of the top 15 countries continue to be European countries, although there are only 6 European countries among the 30 most densely populated countries.
Next, we make the geographical distribution plot of people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred
Among the continents, the vaccine coverage in Europe and North America is higher.
Let's take a closer look at the vaccination process in Europe. The time series plot of new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million
for the seven most populous countries in Europe is as follows.
Except for the United Kingdom and Ukraine, the vaccination process in the other 5 countries is similar, with a gradual increase from January to May 2021, and then a decline.
Next, we check if other European countries have similar patterns, and the answer is yes. We select 16 countries with the pattern: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Their time series of new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million
and their average are shown below.
Next, we are going to focus on the different types of vaccines. Unfortunately, there are only 33 countries’ data.
If we sum up the doses for each different vaccine, we could see that Pfizer is the most vaccinated. It is most vaccinated in 29 among the 33 countries. The exceptions are:
Chile and Uruguay use Sinovac, Switzerland and Liechtenstein use Moderna.