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Usage of SmartsoftMDSD Toolchain

Michael edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 15 revisions

Welcome to this section which presents the steps to import components/systems in the SmartsoftMDSD Toolchain software and how to deploy a system.

Previous step: Install Webots and clone repository

1. Import the components and system cloned

  • Open SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12.
  • Click on the tab Progress on the bottom right to see what is happening.
  • It takes time but wait until the C/C++ Indexer is finished and do nothing during this time.
    • It is possible that the SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12 close itself. Launch it again until it finished the C/C++ Indexer.
    • It is also possible that it may turn grey and seem to do nothing. Wait 10 minutes before closing and reopening it.
    • An error message can pop-up saying that it goes out of memory. Choose the option No to avoid exiting the software.
    • It may be that the software is really blocked. Close it and reopen it to finish indexing.
  • If you encounter some graphical issues, just close and restart the SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12.
  • Click on File, then Import.
  • In the new pop-up windows, select Existing Projects into Workspace and click on Next button.
  • In Select root directory, click on Browse
  • Search for the folder /home/smartsoft/SOFTWARE/smartsoft/repos/AROSYS and click on the OK button.
  • Verify that all the items will be added and click on the Finish button.
  • Wait again until the C/C++ Indexer is finished. It should be faster than the first time.

2. Deploy the system

Step 1: Generate the code and build the components

  • Open SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12.
  • On the top right, there is an white rectangle with the letter C inside. Click on it and the Project explorer on the left will change.
  • For all Webots components imported, please do the following instructions:
    • Search for the component and select it.
    • Make a right-click on it and select Run Code-Generation.
    • Make a right-click on it and select Build Configurations > Build Selected and click on OK button.
    • If you encounter a build error, please delete the following folders : opcua-backend, smartsoft/build and smartsoft/src-gen. Then, make again the two previous steps.
  • On the top right, there is an white rectangle with the letter S inside. Click on it and the Project explorer on the left will change.
  • Search for the system that you want to deploy and select it.
    • Make a right-click on it and select Run Code-Generation.
    • Make a right-click on it and select Build Configurations > Build Selected and click on OK button.

Step 2: Deploy the system

  • Make a right-click system that you want to deploy and select Deployment Action.
  • A new popup window called Deployment will appear within you have to choose Yes.
  • On the new popup window (fuschia background) called Global Scenario Control, select menu-start with the keyboard arrows and validate with Enter.
  • Webots will open and the simulation of the system will start.
  • When you have finished, switch back to the window with fuschia background and select menu-stop. It will disappear to close all the other windows. When it appears again, select quit and you will be allowed to close the last windows. If another console window is still open, close it as well.


You just finished the tutorial to use SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12 with the Webots simulator. You can now used others worlds with others robots and others controllers.

If you want to follow a tutorial showing how to use Webots components when creating a system from scratch, you can follow the guideline How to use Webots components.

If you wish to contribute to the development of a new Webots component, you can follow the guideline How to create Webots components.

For tutorials on how to create SmartMDSD component, system and more, please refer to the technical Wiki of Service Robotics from Ulm University of Applied Sciences.