This is an example of an GRPC client that sends remote procedure calls to the server.
- Python 3.8
- virtualenv
Clone the GRPC Client repository
git clone
in the same directory Clone the GRPC server repository
git clone
move the docker-compose from user_management_service to current directory
mv user_management_service/docker-compose.yml .
Add and Open .env file to add Required Configurations:
nano gateway_api/gateway_api/.env
Add these required Configurations to .env file for GRPC Client:
SECRET_KEY=<your secret key>
ALLOWED_HOSTS=<host1,host2,...> or '*'
GRPC_SERVER_PORT=<grpc server port default 50051>
Save Your changes with CTRL+X
Add and Open .env file to add Required Configurations:
nano user_management_service/user_manager/.env
Add these required Configurations to .env file for GRPC server:
SECRET_KEY=<your secret key>
POSTGRES_DBNAME=<database name>
POSTGRES_USER=<database username>
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<database password>
POSTGRES_PORT=<database port>
Save Your changes with CTRL+X
Run and Build docker-compose file
docker-compose --env-file ./user_management_service/user_manager/.env up --build
if everything goes well visit site at:
Distributed under the GPL License
Sajad Safa -